中国来学通报201733(6):1-5 Chinese Agricultural science Bulletin 缓/控释肥侧条施用对水稻产量与农学性状的影响 王索刘亮赵天成射立东赵普 (宁夏农林科学院农业资源与环境研究所/宁夏回族自治区土壤与柏物营养重点实验室,银川750002) 摘要:为了探讨缓/控释肥侧条施用技术在宁夏引黄灌区水稻上的应用效果,通过国间试验研究了不 肥(CK)、自研制水稻缓释复合肥(SF1)、商品铁杆缓释复合肥(SRF2)、自研制水稻控释掺混肥(BB1)、商 品掺混肥(BB2)和农民习惯(CON)6个施肥处理对水稻产量和农学性状的影响,并评价了其氨肥生产效 率。结果表明:不同施肥处里下水稻籽粒产量为6622-10761kah,收蒺指数为0.42-0.54,分别以BB1 和BB2处理最高。与C0N处理相比.绘控肥侧条连用可使水鹅显增产157%-18.0%SRF2处理除 外),空犹率降低0.5%-3.2%,同时提高了株高、稳长和 缓/控释肥侧条施用下氨肥农学效率为 15.6-18.4kg/kg,氮肥偏生产力为45.0-47.8kg/kg,分别显著高于C0N处理的6.7kg/kg和24.3kgkg 因此,缓/控释肥侧条范用能够改善水稻农学性状,提高其籽粒产量和肥料生产效率,值得在宁夏引黄灌 反水搭种结上大而叔推户扁用 关键词:缓复合肥:控释BB肥:水稻:产量;农学性状:肥生产效率 中图分类号:S143.1+5 文献标志码:A 论文编号:casb16040064 Effect of Side Bar Application of Slow/controlled Release Fertilizers on Rice yield and agronomic characters Wang Rui,Liu Ruliang,Zhao T iancheng.Ji Lidong .Zhao Yin s Region.Yine 750002 Abstract:In order to investigate the effect of side bar application technology of slow/controlled releas fertilizer on rice in Yellow River irrigation region of Ningxia.a field experiment was carried out to study the effects of six different fertilizer treatments with no fertilizer (CK).self-developed slow release compound fertilizer for rice (SRF1),commodity Tiegan release con pound fertilizer(SRF2)self-developed BB fertilizer for rice (BBI)comm se BB fertilizer (BB2) and onventiona fertilization by local farmers (CON)on the yield and agronomic characters of rice,and evaluate their nitroger fertilizer use efficiency.The results showed that the grain vield and harvest index of rice were 6622 to 10761 kg/hm'and 0.42 to 0.54 under different fertilization treatments,treatment BBI and BB2 got the highest result. Compared with that of treatment CON,rice yields significantly increased by 15.7%to 18.0%with side bar of slow/ fertilizers (except for treatment SRF2).and sterile grain rate deereased b but pat hight lenth of ear,and numbers of per ear inceasdm partial factor productivity N fertilizer were 15.6 to 18.4 kg/kg and 45.0 to 47.8 kg/kg under side bar application 基金项目:十夏“十三五“重点科技项目子课题“引黄灌区农业面源污染防控技术研究与示范"0NKYZ-16-090),“农业废弃物利用与功能性生物制剂 研发NKYZ.16-090刀:宁夏农林科学院科技创新先导资金项日“水稻、玉米专用缓控释肥的研制与示范应用0NKYG-1515). 第一作者筒介:王容,男,1967年出生,宁夏石嘴山人,助理农艺师,大专,主要从事作物高效施肥技术研究.通信地址:750002宁夏银川市金风区黄 河东路590号宁夏农林科学院农业资源与环境研究所,Tt0951-6836760,E-m:ony029@126.c0m 通讯作者:赵 营,男,1979年出生,河南项城人,副研究员,士,主要从事新型肥料研制、表田养分循环与环境研究。通信地址:750002宁夏银川市金 12,修回日期 017 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights re http://www nki n 缓/控释肥侧条施用对水稻产量与农学性状的影响 王 睿,刘汝亮,赵天成,纪立东,赵 营 (宁夏农林科学院农业资源与环境研究所/宁夏回族自治区土壤与植物营养重点实验室,银川 750002) 摘 要:为了探讨缓/控释肥侧条施用技术在宁夏引黄灌区水稻上的应用效果,通过田间试验研究了不施 肥(CK)、自研制水稻缓释复合肥(SRF1)、商品铁杆缓释复合肥(SRF2)、自研制水稻控释掺混肥(BB1)、商 品掺混肥(BB2)和农民习惯(CON)6个施肥处理对水稻产量和农学性状的影响,并评价了其氮肥生产效 率。结果表明:不同施肥处理下水稻籽粒产量为6622~10761 kg/hm2 ,收获指数为0.42~0.54,分别以BB1 和BB2处理最高。与CON处理相比,缓/控释肥侧条施用可使水稻显著增产15.7%~18.0%(SRF2处理除 外),空秕率降低0.5%~3.2%,同时提高了株高、穗长和穗粒数。缓/控释肥侧条施用下氮肥农学效率为 15.6~18.4 kg/kg,氮肥偏生产力为 45.0~47.8 kg/kg,分别显著高于 CON 处理的 6.7 kg/kg 和 24.3 kg/kg。 因此,缓/控释肥侧条施用能够改善水稻农学性状,提高其籽粒产量和肥料生产效率,值得在宁夏引黄灌 区水稻种植上大面积推广应用。 关键词:缓释复合肥;控释BB肥;水稻;产量;农学性状;氮肥生产效率 中图分类号:S143.1+5 文献标志码:A 论文编号:casb16040064 Effect of Side Bar Application of Slow/controlled Release Fertilizers on Rice Yield and Agronomic Characters Wang Rui, Liu Ruliang, Zhao Tiancheng, Ji Lidong, Zhao Ying (Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences/ Key Laboratory of Soil and Plant Nutrition of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Yinchuan 750002) Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of side bar application technology of slow/controlled release fertilizer on rice in Yellow River irrigation region of Ningxia, a field experiment was carried out to study the effects of six different fertilizer treatments with no fertilizer (CK), self- developed slow release compound fertilizer for rice (SRF1), commodity Tiegan release compound fertilizer (SRF2), self- developed controlled release BB fertilizer for rice (BB1), commodity controlled release BB fertilizer (BB2) and conventional fertilization by local farmers (CON) on the yield and agronomic characters of rice, and evaluate their nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency. The results showed that the grain yield and harvest index of rice were 6622 to 10761 kg/hm2 and 0.42 to 0.54 under different fertilization treatments, treatment BB1 and BB2 got the highest result. Compared with that of treatment CON, rice yields significantly increased by 15.7% to 18.0% with side bar application of slow/controlled release fertilizers (except for treatment SRF2), and sterile grain rate decreased by 0.5% to 3.2% , but plant height, length of ear, and numbers of per ear increased. Agronomy efficiency and partial factor productivity N fertilizer were 15.6 to 18.4 kg/kg and 45.0 to 47.8 kg/kg under side bar application 基金项目:宁夏“十三五”重点科技项目子课题“引黄灌区农业面源污染防控技术研究与示范”(NKYZ-16-0904),“农业废弃物利用与功能性生物制剂 研发”(NKYZ-16-0907);宁夏农林科学院科技创新先导资金项目“水稻、玉米专用缓/控释肥的研制与示范应用”(NKYG-15-15)。 第一作者简介:王睿,男,1967年出生,宁夏石嘴山人,助理农艺师,大专,主要从事作物高效施肥技术研究。通信地址:750002 宁夏银川市金凤区黄 河东路590号 宁夏农林科学院农业资源与环境研究所,Tel: 0951-6886760,E-mail:tony029@126.com。 通讯作者:赵营,男,1979年出生,河南项城人,副研究员,博士,主要从事新型肥料研制、农田养分循环与环境研究。通信地址:750002 宁夏银川市金 凤区黄河东路590号 宁夏农林科学院农业资源与环境研究所,Tel:0951-6886760,E-mail:tony029@126.com。 收稿日期:2016-04-12,修回日期:2016-06-17。 中国农学通报 2017,33(6):1-5 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
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