Main Intuition An"Insensitivity Property ·The“ best worst- case rate Uncoded caching N-M for serving N files can be Coded achieved by uniform caching n TMaddah-Ali and Niesen 14/MI caching M N.M、N K·(1-) (1-x) KM M N M N N K 1+ M Whenever k>> n/m Key Insight: Beyond K=N/M, the above rate is independent of the number of users K Due to its global caching gain, coded caching significantly reduce the threshold for this insensitivity to arise• The “best” worst-case rate for serving N files can be achieved by uniform caching [Maddah-Ali and Niesen ’14] whenever K >> N/M • Key Insight: Beyond K=N/M, the above rate is independent of the number of users K • Due to its global caching gain, coded caching significantly reduce the threshold for this insensitivity to arise 10 Main Intuition: An “Insensitivity” Property K 𝑁 𝑀 − 1 Coded caching 𝑁 Uncoded caching 𝑁 − 𝑀 𝑁 𝑀 1 (1 ) (1 ) 1 1 M N M N K N M N M KM N • − •  − = − +
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