安徽医科大学国际学生MBBS专业实验课授课教案 (共2页、第1页) 课程名称:pathology experiment 课程内容:inflammation 教师姓名:李延莉职称:1 ecturer授课日期:5/4/201611时50分-14时30分 授课对象:Foreign Students 教材版本:textbook of pathology 授课方式:Lecture 学时数:4听课人数:30 本单元或章节的教学目的与要求: To master basic pathological changes of inflammation. To identify inflammatory cells in the inflammatory tissue and understand significance of them in the process of inflammation. To master morphological changes of various kinds of inflammation,and contact their main clinical manifestations. To learn to use the law of the occurrence and development of inflammation, develop principle of prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases. 授课主要内容及学时分配: 27#nasal polyp 40 teaching minutes 28#skin scar tissue 40 teaching minutes 33#acute phlegmonous appendicitis 40 teaching minutes 35#multiple abscess of kidney 40 teaching minutes 重点、难点及对学生要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学) Emphasis: 1.various inflammatory cells 2.granuloma 3.acute phlegmonous appendicitis 4.multiple abscess of kidney understand:fibrinous pericarditis chronic cholecystitis 外语词汇: 全英文教学 辅助教学情况:多媒体 复习思考题: various inflammatory cells ●granuloma acute phlegmonous appendicitis multiple abscess of kidney 安徽医科大学国际学生MBBS专业授课教案 (共2页、第1页) 参考资料: 1.Inflammation:Textbook of Pathology.2005.Zhou Gengyin and Jiang Xucheng. 主任签字:安徽医科大学国际学生MBBS专业实验课授课教案 (共 2 页、第 1 页) 课程名称:pathology experiment 课程内容:inflammation 教师姓名:李延莉 职称:lecturer 授课日期:5/4/2016 11时50分-14时30分 授课对象:Foreign Students 教材版本:textbook of pathology 授课方式:Lecture 学时数:4 听课人数:30 本单元或章节的教学目的与要求: l To master basic pathological changes of inflammation. l To identify inflammatory cells in the inflammatory tissue and understand significance of them in the process of inflammation. l To master morphological changes of various kinds of inflammation, and contact their main clinical manifestations. l To learn to use the law of the occurrence and development of inflammation, develop principle of prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases. 授课主要内容及学时分配: l 27# nasal polyp 40 teaching minutes l 28# skin scar tissue 40 teaching minutes l 33# acute phlegmonous appendicitis 40 teaching minutes l 35# multiple abscess of kidney 40 teaching minutes 重点、难点及对学生要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学) Emphasis: 1. various inflammatory cells 2. granuloma 3. acute phlegmonous appendicitis 4. multiple abscess of kidney understand:fibrinous pericarditis chronic cholecystitis 外语词汇: 全英文教学 辅助教学情况:多媒体 复习思考题: l various inflammatory cells l granuloma l acute phlegmonous appendicitis l multiple abscess of kidney 安徽医科大学国际学生MBBS专业授课教案 (共 2 页、第 1 页) 参考资料: 1. Inflammation: Textbook of Pathology. 2005. Zhou Gengyin and Jiang Xucheng. 主任签字:
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