esson 13-In My day I. Text Analysis What was the character of the mother when she was young? Scan the text straight- I tell people exactly what's on my mind and list out forward the related information strong She was a formidable woman determined to willed speak her mind, determined to have her way, energetic She had hurled herself at life with an energy that made her seem always on the run never defeated life was combat, and victory was not to by life I the lazy, the timed, the drugstore cowboy, W BTL E To be continued on the next page.W B T L E I. Text Analysis What was the character of the mother when she was young? I tell people exactly what’s on my mind, … life was combat, and victory was not to the lazy, the timed, the drugstore cowboy, … Scan the text and list out the related information. To be continued on the next page. straight￾forward strong￾willed She was a formidable woman, determined to speak her mind, determined to have her way, … energetic never defeated by life She had hurled herself at life with an energy that made her seem always on the run.  Lesson 13—In My Day
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