Glycosylation etIcs Phenols /to Toxicity ater Polutants, Chemical/pk [Pharmacokinetics] water Pollutants, Chemical to Toxicity Abstract The endocrine disruptor bisphenol A(BPA, 4, 4-isopropylidenediphenol)f used to manufacture polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resin linings of food and beverage cans, and the residues from these products are then sometimes discharged into rivers and lakes in waste leachates, However, the fate of BPa in the environment has not yet been thoroughly elucidated. Considering the effect of BPa on aquatic organisms, it is important that we estimate the concentration of BPa and its metabolites in the aquatic environment but there are few data on the metabolites of BPA. here, we focused on freshwater microalgae as organisms that contribute to the biodegradation or biotransformation of BPA in aquatic evironments when we added bPa to cultures of eight species of freshwater microalgae, reduction in the concentration of bpa in the culture medium was obsered in all cultures, bPa was metabolized to bPa glycosides by Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Scenedesmus acutus, Scenedesmus quadricauda, and Coelastrum reticulatum, and these metabolites were then released into the culture as identified by FAB-MS a浏览详细记录的文摘、物质名称、nmmt e, from S主题词等字段,判断检索用词是否正确应PT BPa to its glycosides, Because BPA glycosides accumulate in plants and algae, and may be digested to BPa by beta-glycosidase in animal intestines, more attention should be given to levels of BPA glycosides in the environment to estimate the ecological impact of discharged BPA. CAS Registry/EC Number /Name of Substance 0(Endocrine Disruptors) 0(Phenols). 0 (ater Pollutants, ChemicaluKan-05-7(bisphenol AD SSN Print 0045-6535 Publication Type Journal article Language English 2014-02-25 复旦大学图书馆文献检索教研室2014-02-25 复旦大学图书馆文献检索教研室 37 浏览详细记录的文摘、物质名称、 主题词等字段,判断检索用词是否正确
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