concern:n.关心,担心 L:Is everybody here? There is no cause for concern so far. H:Yes. 到目前为止还不必发愁。 S:When does the plane take off? The lack of rain is causing concern. 雨量不足正在引起人们的关切。 L:At ten thirty.There's still one hour to go. respect:方面 H:Mr.Li,during our trip in the past month or so, He is right in very respect.从各方面说他都是对的, you've shown your concern for us in every He is different from the people around him in many respect.I really don't know how to express my respects. gratitude. 他和周围的人在许多方面都不一样。 L:It's very nice of you to say so. with respect to::关于,至于 S:I've had a very enjoyable stay in China.I've been With respect to your question about jobs,all our positions are filled. to many tourist attractions and places of historical interest.What's more,I've picked up 至于你提到的求职问题,我们这里编制已满。 acquaintance n.认识,相识,了解 some Chinese from Mr.Li. I have some acquaintance with the Swedish H:This trip to China has been very impressive for language. me. 我对瑞典语略知一二。 L:I'm so happy that you've had a good time. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. S:Thanks to the trip,I've made acquaintances with 我很高兴有幸认识你。 so many Chinese friends. acquaint vt..使认识,使熟悉 She acquainted them with the facts. H:Before I came here,I only had an understanding 她把事实告诉了他们。 of China from books and papers,television and I am acquainted with him,but only on a films.Now I've seen China with my own eyes. professional basis. 我和他认识,不过只在专业上有来往。20 L: Is everybody here? H: Yes. S: When does the plane take off? L: At ten thirty. There's still one hour to go. H: Mr. Li, during our trip in the past month or so, you've shown your concern for us in every respect. I really don't know how to express my gratitude. L: It's very nice of you to say so. S: I've had a very enjoyable stay in China. I've been to many tourist attractions and places of historical interest. What's more, I've picked up some Chinese from Mr. Li. H: This trip to China has been very impressive for me. L: I'm so happy that you've had a good time. S: Thanks to the trip, I've made acquaintances with so many Chinese friends. H: Before I came here, I only had an understanding of China from books and papers, television and films. Now I've seen China with my own eyes. concern: n.关心,担心 There is no cause for concernso far. 到目前为止还不必发愁。 The lack of rain is causing concern. 雨量不足正在引起人们的关切。 respect:方面 He is right in very respect. 从各方面说他都是对的。 He is different from the people around him in many respects. 他和周围的人在许多方面都不一样。 with respectto: 关于,至于 With respectto your question about jobs, all our positions are filled. 至于你提到的求职问题,我们这里编制已满。 acquaintance n. 认识,相识,了解 I have some acquaintance with the Swedish language. 我对瑞典语略知一二。 I’m pleasedto make your acquaintance. 我很高兴有幸认识你。 acquaint vt. 使认识,使熟悉 She acquaintedthem with the facts. 她把事实告诉了他们。 I am acquainted with him, but only on a professional basis. 我和他认识,不过只在专业上有来往
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