W15 Delivery,Creating Presentation Slides,Q&A Bring your preparation outline and slides for your final team presentation to W15 classroom. You may need to refer to <LA Language Styles>handout in practicing on the presentation. Week 15 Delivery,Creating Presentation Slides,Q&A Your Mini-talk Every class member must be ready with their individual mini-talk each week. II.Delivery in Presentations 1.Speak Intelligibly Control Your Voice (Use signposts and cues.) Volume acoustics of room,size of audience,noise dB Pitch highness or lowness of voice Rate speaker vocal features,mood to create,composition of audience, occasion Pauses NO filling the silence with vocalized pauses Vocal variety natural sense of conviction desire to communicate Pronunciation awareness of the correct pronunciation Articulation vocal clarity precision 2.Nonverbal communication Posture Facial expression Gestures Eye contact Bodily actions 3.Practicing delivery Create the speaking outline,if it suits you (Use only the signposts and cues in the speaking outline when speaking) Polish and refine your voice control nonverbal communication Rehearse,and conduct a dress rehearsal III.Creating Presentation Slides 1.Types of Slides ·A title slide: Presentation title,the author's name,affiliation and contact information A contents slide:a list of the main points Slides for each main point:details,statistics,pictures,etc. A summary slide:the take-away message ·A thank slide 2.Checklists Tips on Creating Effective Slides 2.1 Focus Are your slides the focus of your presentation? ·Are they distracting?W15 Delivery, Creating Presentation Slides, & Q&A Bring your preparation outline and slides for your final team presentation to W15 classroom. You may need to refer to <L4 Language Styles> handout in practicing on the presentation. Week 15 Delivery, Creating Presentation Slides, & Q&A I. Your Mini-talk Every class member must be ready with their individual mini-talk each week. II. Delivery in Presentations 1. Speak Intelligibly & Control Your Voice (Use signposts and cues.) Volume acoustics of room, size of audience, noise dB Pitch highness or lowness of voice Rate speaker vocal features, mood to create, composition of audience, occasion Pauses NO filling the silence with vocalized pauses Vocal variety natural sense of conviction + desire to communicate Pronunciation awareness of the correct pronunciation Articulation vocal clarity & precision 2. Nonverbal communication Posture Facial expression Gestures Eye contact Bodily actions 3. Practicing delivery Create the speaking outline, if it suits you (Use only the signposts and cues in the speaking outline when speaking) Polish and refine your voice control & nonverbal communication Rehearse, and conduct a dress rehearsal III. Creating Presentation Slides 1. Types of Slides A title slide: Presentation title, the author’s name, affiliation and contact information A contents slide: a list of the main points Slides for each main point: details, statistics, pictures, etc. A summary slide: the take-away message A thank slide 2. Checklists & Tips on Creating Effective Slides 2.1 Focus Are your slides the focus of your presentation? Are they distracting?