BAILEY:Mr.Hernandez? MR.HERNANDEZ:How.how is he?Is he okay?I mean you've been operating for hours. m Weve hadto movne ofiy and MR.HERNANDEZ:But the tree's out.I mean you got it out and he's okay? BAILEY:Ok Mr.Hemandez the branch is actually still there.We're operating around it which is a part of what's taking up so much time. MR.HERNANDEZ:His mother's not here yet.Do you think he'll be okay by the time she gets here? BAILEY:I'm sorry.Ido have to get back in there.Ijust came to give you an update. MR.HERNANDEZ:That he's still alive. BAILEY:Yes,that he's still alive. MR.HERNANDEZ:Okay JOE:lzzie.How you doing sweetie? IZZIE:I brought you some muffins. JOE:Okay. IZZIE:I made a lot.I was running out of room and I thought maybe you would like some.I'm a good baker. JOE:Yeahabsolutely.Thank you. ADDISON:Dr Stephens. IZZIE:Please don'tcall me Dr. ADDISON:Okay.please don't call me Mrs.Shepherd.HA.That's funny. ZZ:She's drunk JOE:This is true o abot he lyeyour uyedd ihmy IZZIE:You should have a muffin.They're really good.and they'll help you ADDISON:I may be beyond help. IZZIE:Yeah.Me too.Don't let her drive Joe. ADDISON(taking a bite out ofa muffin):Mmm.Good. BAILEY: Mr. Hernandez? MR. HERNANDEZ: How. how is he? Is he okay? I mean you've been operating for hours. BAILEY: There is extensive damage. We've had to remove one of his kidnneys and a portion of his bowels. MR. HERNANDEZ: But the tree's out. I mean you got it out and he's okay? BAILEY: Okay, Mr. Hernandez the branch is actually still there. We're operating around it which is a part of what's taking up so much time. MR. HERNANDEZ: His mother's not here yet. Do you think he'll be okay by the time she gets here? BAILEY: I'm sorry, I do have to get back in there. I just came to give you an update. MR. HERNANDEZ: That he's still alive. BAILEY: Yes, that he's still alive. MR. HERNANDEZ: Okay JOE: Izzie. How you doing sweetie? IZZIE: I brought you some muffins. JOE: Okay. IZZIE: I made a lot. I was running out of room and I thought maybe you would like some. I'm a good baker. JOE: Yeah absolutely. Thank you. ADDISON: Dr Stephens. IZZIE: Please don't call me Dr. ADDISON: Okay.please don't call me Mrs. Shepherd. HA. That's funny. IZZIE: She's drunk. JOE: This is true ADDISON: So did you know about the slutty sex your slutty friend had with my super slutty husband? IZZIE: You should have a muffin. They're really good.and they'll help you. ADDISON: I may be beyond help. IZZIE: Yeah. Me too. Don't let her drive Joe. ADDISON (taking a bite out of a muffin): Mmm. Good. -
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