政策P olicy 切落实《国务院灵于切实加强艾滋病防治工作的通知》 Notice on the implementation of the AIDS Prevention and Care Guidelines of the State Council (Ministry of Education) 民政部关于加强对生活困难的艾滋病患者、患者家属和患者遗孤救助工作的通 知 Notice on Strengthening Assistance to Poor People Living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHA), Families of PLWHA and Orphans(Ministry of Civil affairs 卫生部关于加强对在职卫生人员进行艾滋病等重点传染病防治知识培训的通知 Notice on Professional Training on Infectious Diseases, including HIV/AIDS for Medical Staff(Ministry of Health) 卫生部办公厅《关于加强预防艾滋病母婴传播试点工作的通知》 Notice on Pilot Programs for the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV(Ministry of Health)11 政策 Policy ◼ 教育部关于贯彻落实《国务院关于切实加强艾滋病防治工作的通知》 Notice on the Implementation of the AIDS Prevention and Care Guidelines of the State Council (Ministry of Education) ◼ 民政部关于加强对生活困难的艾滋病患者、患者家属和患者遗孤救助工作的通 知 Notice on Strengthening Assistance to Poor People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Families of PLWHA and Orphans (Ministry of Civil Affairs) ◼ 卫生部关于加强对在职卫生人员进行艾滋病等重点传染病防治知识培训的通知 Notice on Professional Training on Infectious Diseases, including HIV/AIDS for Medical Staff (Ministry of Health) ◼ 卫生部办公厅《关于加强预防艾滋病母婴传播试点工作的通知》 Notice on Pilot Programs for the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV (Ministry of Health)
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