Physiological factors-Intestine transit 圈生一 Physiological factors Ingest drugs before a meal Components and properties of GI fluids. Avoid problems associated with gastric Gastric emptying emptying ④Intestinal transit .Reduce potential drug interactions with food ©Blood1 fow components Avoid the more viscous environment in the gut Physiological factors-Intestine transit 国话线Physiolog1 ical factors-Blood flow Colon As a result of rapid blood perfusion of the GIT, Much longer residence time ©mild pH the blood at the site of absorption represents a Low enzymatic activity virtual sink for absorbed material ©Small surface area Relative viscous fluidlike environment Usually,blood flow is not an important Large colonies of bacteria consideration in drug absorption. Physiological factors-Intestine transit 国生 Other factors Rectum Other factors Small surface area Drug-food and drug-drug interactions ©Little fluid content ©Poor mixing Metabolism For infants and children ·Disease states Absorption is effected by fecal material and retention time ·Age 99 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Physiological factors-Intestine transit Ingest drugs before a meal • Avoid problems associated with gastric emptying • Reduce potential drug interactions with food components • Avoid the more viscous environment in the gut Shanghai Jiao Tong University Physiological factors-Intestine transit Colon Much longer residence time mild pH Low enzymatic activity Small surface area Relative viscous fluidlike environment Large colonies of bacteria Shanghai Jiao Tong University Physiological factors-Intestine transit Rectum Small surface area Little fluid content Poor mixing For infants and children Absorption is effected by fecal material and retention time Shanghai Jiao Tong University Physiological factors Components and properties of GI fluids. Gastric emptying Intestinal transit Blood flow Shanghai Jiao Tong University Physiological factors-Blood flow As a result of rapid blood perfusion of the GIT, the blood at the site of absorption represents a virtual sink for absorbed material. Usually, blood flow is not an important consideration in drug absorption. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Other factors Other factors • Drug-food and drug-drug interactions • Metabolism • Disease states • Age
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