subject research. Graduation requirements 8:have the awareness of independent learning and lifelong leaing and the ability to adapt to the society. 111.Contents Chapter One:Relativity 1.Teaching aims The two postulates of Einstein's special theory of relativity,and what motivates these postulates Why different observers can disagree about whether two events are simultaneous: How relativity predicts that moving clocks run slow.and that experimental evidence confirms this: How the length of an object changes due to the object's motion: How the velocity of an object depends on the frame of referencefrom which it is observed: How the theory of relativity modifies the relationship betweer velocity and momentum: How to solve problems involving work and kinetic energy for particles moving at relativistic speeds: Some of the key concepts of Einstein's general theory of relativity. 2.Keypoints and Difficulties Keypoints:Einstein's special theory of relativity Difficulties:Relativistic Momentum 3.Contents 1.1 Invariance of physical laws 1.2 Relativity of Simultaneity subject research, design, data processing and academic exchange. Graduation requirements 8: have the awareness of independent learning and lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to the society. III. Contents Chapter One: Relativity 1. Teaching aims The two postulates of Einstein’s special theory of relativity, and what motivates these postulates; Why different observers can disagree about whether two events are simultaneous; How relativity predicts that moving clocks run slow, and that experimental evidence confirms this; How the length of an object changes due to the object’s motion; How the velocity of an object depends on the frame of referencefrom which it is observed; How the theory of relativity modifies the relationship between velocity and momentum; How to solve problems involving work and kinetic energy for particles moving at relativistic speeds; Some of the key concepts of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. 2. Keypoints and Difficulties Keypoints: Einstein’s special theory of relativity Difficulties: Relativistic Momentum 3. Contents 1.1 Invariance of physical laws 1.2 Relativity of Simultaneity
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