(73) Development of exchanges that aggregate the information harvested by bots in order (74) The emergence of the bot-aggregator exchange as a primary sales channel, which employs rules to enable transactions (75) The bot future is not vet certain For example, providers must find ways to reduce per-transaction costs before widespread adoption can occur. But the powerful connectivity of the Internet is rapidly evolving the buyer/seller relationship. With bot technology advancing quickly, companies should prepare for a future priced for demand 七、汉译英(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 用括号内给出的词,把下列汉语句子翻译成英语。 76.你评定一种酒的好坏时用什么标准?( criteria 77.她有能力做这项工作。( ability) 78.这件工作我不满意。( (satisfy) 79.勿受坏榜样的影响。( influence) 80.它很便宜,但在另一方面,质量很差。( on the other hand) 答案 CBCCD DBCCB BABAA DBADC 二、 ACCCD DCCBD DDB BCB BAAD 四 浙00888电子商务英语试题第8页(共8页)浙 00888# 电子商务英语试题 第 8 页(共 8 页) · (73) Development of exchanges that aggregate the information harvested by bots in order to reduce transaction costs and eliminate concerns of fraud; and · (74) The emergence of the bot-aggregator exchange as a primary sales channel, which employs rules to enable transactions. (75) The bot future is not yet certain. For example, providers must find ways to reduce per-transaction costs before widespread adoption can occur. But the powerful connectivity of the Internet is rapidly evolving the buyer/seller relationship. With bot technology advancing quickly, companies should prepare for a future priced for demand. 七、 汉译英(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 用括号内给出的词,把下列汉语句子翻译成英语。 76. 你评定一种酒的好坏时用什么标准?(criteria) 77. 她有能力做这项工作。(ability) 78. 这件工作我不满意。(satisfy) 79. 勿受坏榜样的影响。(influence) 80. 它很便宜,但在另一方面,质量很差。(on the other hand ) 答案: 一、CBCCD DBCCB BABAA DBADC 二、ACCCD DCCBD 三、DDB BCB BAAD 四
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