Multi-layer structure of a bp neural network Input Output lar ayer a layer has multiple neurons hidden Each neuron has weights tyer and Other one b= bias hidden ayers a transfer function fo Y=outputs,X=set of inputs,W=set of weights, b=set of biases such that for each neuron in layer l has Inputs x∈X,∈W, output y∈Y, Neural Networks ch9., ver. 9bMulti-layer structure of a BP neural network • Neural Networks Ch9. , ver. 9b 15 Input layer inputs X , W ,output Y , such that for each neuron in layer has Y outputs, X set of inputs, W set of weights, b set of biases l l l x w y l    = = = = l l  layer : hidden a transfer function () one b , , , ,... and Each neuron has weights A layer has multiple neurons 1 2 3 f bias w w w = layer Output Other hidden layers
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