10101000. 01010100 0201010 Definition: Failure Availability 101- Failure: Any departure of system behavior in 0101010 execution from user needs 10:01000 01010 Failure intensity: the number of failures per natural 100100 or time unit. Failure intensity is way of expressing 01010200 101010 reliab 9A9 Availability: The probability at any given time that 0101010 a system or a capability of a system functions .0-0.00 satisfactorily in a specified environment 0010.1000. If you are given an average down time per failure 020101000- availability implies a certain reliability 10:101000 03010100 SZ CALGARY SENG521 (Fall 2002) far@enel. calgary. caSENG521 (Fall 2002) far@enel.ucalgary.ca 8 Definition: Failure & Availability ◼ Failure: Any departure of system behavior in execution from user needs. ◼ Failure intensity: the number of failures per natural or time unit. Failure intensity is way of expressing reliability. ◼ Availability: The probability at any given time that a system or a capability of a system functions satisfactorily in a specified environment. ◼ If you are given an average down time per failure, availability implies a certain reliability
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