Technical (60%) eb Database (7%) Web Administration (12% Programming (28) (ERP& others) Design(1%) Administration (5% Mobile Web Engineer-WAP, WML wireless (6% EAI(1256 Web programmer- COM/DCOM. Java, C++, XML (9%) egacy Systems(1%) Each percenage value represents the percent of all job postings(both technical and managerial) Figure 2. Technical positions in e-business. nagement (40%) Analyst(&s) Manager(1290) Oher《1隔 siness Development (<1 ERP/CRMASCMEAI(IOS %) Business (21 Marketing (4 Tech Audit Risk Assessment Knowledge me ertical Specialist (4 Each percentage value represents the percent of all job postings(both technical and managerial Figure 3. Managerial positions in e-business. ity to work well under pressure; build multitier object-oriented client server applications; coordinate and manage multiple pr ojects simultaneously; and industry knowledge or business process knowledge The e-business-specific management skills that are highest in demand include: proj ect management and analysis skills(14% of job listings); the ability to integrate Web- based applications with ERP, CRM, SCM, and EAI (10%); use of the Web for vertical industry specialization(for example, financial services, health care)(4%); and, Web- based marketing management(4%) Most demanded technical skills include: high-end programmer(ERP CRM SCM, EAI)(12%); networking and systems professional(12%); Web administration (12%); Web programming(9%); and, mobile Web engineer(6%). These skills are shown in Table 3, along with examples of specific skills within each category. While 172 December 2003/ol.46. No. I2ve COMMUNICATIONS OFTHE ACMity to work well under pressure; build multitier object-oriented client server applications; coordinate and manage multiple projects simultaneously; and industry knowledge or business process knowledge. The e-business-specific management skills that are highest in demand include: proj￾ect management and analysis skills (14% of job listings); the ability to integrate Web￾based applications with ERP, CRM, SCM, and EAI (10%); use of the Web for vertical industry specialization (for example, financial services, health care) (4%); and, Web￾based marketing management (4%). Most demanded technical skills include: high-end programmer (ERP, CRM, SCM, EAI) (12%); networking and systems professional (12%); Web administration (12%); Web programming (9%); and, mobile Web engineer (6%). These skills are shown in Table 3, along with examples of specific skills within each category. While 172 December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM Figure 2. Technical positions in e-business. Figure 3. Managerial positions in e-business
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