J. Bouix et al. /Composites Science and Technology 61(2001)355-362 For metallic-matrix composites, the reinforcement [6 Bouix J, Viala JC, Vincent H, Vincent C, Ponthenier JL, Dazord matrix couple constitutes usually a chemically reactive J. Process for coating carbon fibre with a carbide. US patent 4 system and it is necessary to control this reactivity in the 859503,1989 manufacturing conditions of the material. This control [7 Vincent C, Piquero T, Berthet MP, Vincent H, Bouix J. Prepara- can be achieved through thermodynamics considera tion of B, C-Sic composites by RCVD from BCIy-SiClrH phase. Mater High Temp 1995: 13(1): 17-28 tion, choosing a couple initially close to the equilibrium. [8] Pastor S, Vincent C, Berthet MP, Oddou L, Vincent H, BouixJ The reaction is therefore limited and may be accom Aspects physicochimiques des procedes RCVD et LMTA de panied by a wetting effect if manufacture is performed aitement de surface permettant Infiltration spontanee des in the molten state. In other cases, it is achieved owing fibres de carbone par Aluminium. In: Favre JP, Vautrin A,edi- to kinetical effects, by directing the system to a slow and [9 Diefendorf RS, Boisvert RP Processing of polymeric precursors self-regulated reaction giving a continuous layer work posites. Mater Res soc ing as a diffusion barrier 988:120:157-62 For ceramic-matrix composites, the main problem lies [10 Heraut L, Naslain R, Quenisset JM. Procede de fabrication d'un in controlling the strength of the interfacial bonding aterial composite a matrice ceramique a tenacite amelioree. which must together provide a good load transfer and [11 Droillard C. Elaboration et caracterisation de composites a cracks deviation along the interface. The solution usually matrice SiC et a interphase sequence C/SiC. These de doctorat consists in depositing on the reinforcement surface one Sciences des Materiaux, Universite de bordeaux, 1993 or several thin layers different by their composition and [12 Heurtevent F. Materiaux multicouches nanosequences(PyC texture. The lamellar ones work as mechanical fuses thermostructuraux. These de doctorat Sciences des materiaux Concerning the deposition of thin single or multi- layers on multi-wire fibres, the CVD-like methods seem [13] Schmucker M, Schneider H, Chawla KK, Xu Zr, Ha Js.Thermal to be the most adequate, particularly reactive, pulsed degradation of fiber coatings in mullite-fiber-reinforced mullite ind low-pressure CVDs, with the objective of obtaining [14] Liu HY, Hsu SM. Fracture behavior of multilayer silicon nitride/ on each filament a continuous and regular layer also boron nitride ceramics. J Am Ceram Soc 1996: 79(9): 2452-7 able to work as protection against oxidation [15 Chen SH, Davis HO. Structural ceramic material having refra ry interface layers. US Patent 4 837 230, 1989 [16 Rebillat F. Caracterisation des interfaces et des materiaux din References terphases dans les CMCs. These de doctorat Sciences des Mate riaux. Universite de bordeaux. 1996 [ Chawla KK. In: Cahn RW, Haasen P, Kramer EJ, editors. [17 Viala JC, Fortier P, Bouix J Stable and metastable phase equili- Materials Science and Technology, vol. 13. Weinheim: VCH. 93.p.121-182. 2 Maruyama B, Barera EV, Rabenberg L. In: Everett RK and [18 Viala JC, Vincent C, Vincent H, Bouix J. Approche thermo- Arsenault RJ, editors. Metal matrix composites processing and namique de Interaction chimique entre Al et TiC. Mater Res interfaces. New York: Academic Press, 1991. p. 181-216 Bul1990:25:457-64 3 Rebillat F, Guette A, Debieuvre C, Goujard S, Naslain R Inter- [19] Viala JC, Bouix J, Gonzalez G, Esnouf C The chemical reactivity of aluminium with boron carbide B C. j Mater Sci 1997 33: 4559-73 duree de vie amelioree In: Lamon J, Baptiste D, editors. JNCIl 20 Viala JC, Fortier P, Claveyrolas G, Vincent H, Bouix J. Effect of rcachon(France): AMAC, 1998. p. 575-584 magnesium on the composition, microstructure and mechanical J Berthet MP, Bosselet F, Favre R. properties of carbon fibres. J Mater Sci 1991: 26: 4977-84 ent h. vincent C. Interface tailoring on fibr 21Bosselet F, Mentzen BF, Viala JC, Etoh MA, Bouix J Synthesis and structure of TrAl2MgC2. Eur J Solid State Inorg Chem 7(C6:191-205. 1998:35:91-9 5 Bouix J, Viala JC, Vincent H, Vincent C, Ponthenier JL, Dazord [22] Bouix J, Viala JC, Abiven H, Picouet L, Claveyrolas J Compo- J. Procede et dispositif de revetment de fibres de carbone par un site material combining a magnesium alloy containing zirconium arbure et fibres de carbone ainsi revetues. Brevet FI with a carbon reinforcement and its production process. US 1986:86:17157 Patent Demand 08 120 249. 1996For metallic-matrix composites, the reinforcement/ matrix couple constitutes usually a chemically reactive system and it is necessary to control this reactivity in the manufacturing conditions of the material. This control can be achieved through thermodynamics considera￾tion, choosing a couple initially close to the equilibrium. The reaction is therefore limited and may be accom￾panied by a wetting e€ect if manufacture is performed in the molten state. In other cases, it is achieved owing to kinetical e€ects, by directing the system to a slow and self-regulated reaction giving a continuous layer work￾ing as a di€usion barrier. For ceramic-matrix composites, the main problem lies in controlling the strength of the interfacial bonding which must together provide a good load transfer and cracks deviation along the interface. The solution usually consists in depositing on the reinforcement surface one or several thin layers di€erent by their composition and texture. The lamellar ones work as mechanical fuses. Concerning the deposition of thin single or multi￾layers on multi-wire ®bres, the CVD-like methods seem to be the most adequate, particularly reactive, pulsed and low-pressure CVDs, with the objective of obtaining on each ®lament a continuous and regular layer also able to work as protection against oxidation. References [1] Chawla KK. In: Cahn RW, Haasen P, Kramer EJ, editors. Materials Science and Technology, vol. 13. Weinheim: VCH, 1993. p. 121±182. [2] Maruyama B, Barera EV, Rabenberg L. In: Everett RK and Arsenault RJ, editors. Metal matrix composites processing and interfaces. New York: Academic Press, 1991. p. 181±216. [3] Rebillat F, Guette A, Debieuvre C, Goujard S, Naslain R. Inter￾phase multicouche BN pour composites SiC/SiC aÁ teÂnacite et dureÂe de vie ameÂlioreÂe. In: Lamon J, Baptiste D, editors. JNC11. Arcachon (France): AMAC, 1998. p. 575±584. [4] Bouix J, Berthet MP, Bosselet F, Favre R, Peronnet M, Viala JC, Vincent H, Vincent C. Interface tailoring in carbon ®bres rein￾forced metal matrix composites. J Phys IV France 1997;7(C6):191±205. [5] Bouix J, Viala JC, Vincent H, Vincent C, Ponthenier JL, Dazord J. ProceÂde et dispositif de reveà tement de ®bres de carbone par un carbure et ®bres de carbone ainsi reveà tues. Brevet Fr 1986;86:17157. [6] Bouix J, Viala JC, Vincent H, Vincent C, Ponthenier JL, Dazord J. Process for coating carbon ®bre with a carbide. US patent 4 859 503, 1989. [7] Vincent C, Piquero T, Berthet MP, Vincent H, Bouix J. Prepara￾tion of B4C±SiC composites by RCVD from BCl3±SiCl4±H2 phase. Mater High Temp 1995;13(1):17±28. [8] Pastor S, Vincent C, Berthet MP, Oddou L, Vincent H, Bouix J. Aspects physicochimiques des proceÂdeÂs RCVD et LMTA de traitement de surface permettant l'in®ltration spontaneÂe des ®bres de carbone par l'aluminium. In: Favre JP, Vautrin A, edi￾tors. JNC9. Saint-Etienne (France): AMAC, 1994. p. 1145±54. [9] Diefendorf RS, Boisvert RP. Processing of polymeric precursors ceramic matrix composites. Mater Res Soc Symp Pro 1988;120:157±62. [10] HeÂraut L, Naslain R, Quenisset JM. ProceÂde de fabrication d'un mateÂriau composite aÁ matrice ceÂramique aÁ teÂnacite ameÂlioreÂe. Brevet Fr 89 02918, 1989. [11] Droillard C. Elaboration et caracteÂrisation de composites aÁ matrice SiC et aÁ interphase seÂquenceÂe C/SiC. TheÁse de doctorat Sciences des MateÂriaux, Universite de Bordeaux, 1993. [12] Heurtevent F. MateÂriaux multicouches nanoseÂquenceÂs (PyC/ SiC)n. Application en tant qu'interphases dans les composites thermostructuraux. TheÁse de doctorat Sciences des MateÂriaux, Universite de Bordeaux, 1996. [13] Schmucker M, Schneider H, Chawla KK, Xu Zr, Ha Js. Thermal degradation of ®ber coatings in mullite±®ber-reinforced mullite composite. J Amer Ceram Soc 1997;80(8):2136±40. [14] Liu HY, Hsu SM. Fracture behavior of multilayer silicon nitride/ boron nitride ceramics. J Am Ceram Soc 1996;79(9):2452±7. [15] Chen SH, Davis HO. Structural ceramic material having refrac￾tory interface layers. US Patent 4 837 230, 1989. [16] Rebillat F. CaracteÂrisation des interfaces et des mateÂriaux d'in￾terphases dans les CMCs. TheÁse de doctorat Sciences des MateÂ- riaux, Universite de Bordeaux, 1996. [17] Viala JC, Fortier P, Bouix J. Stable and metastable phase equili￾bria in the chemical interaction between Al and SiC. J Mater Sci 1990;25:1842±50. [18] Viala JC, Vincent C, Vincent H, Bouix J. Approche thermo￾dynamique de l'interaction chimique entre Al et TiC. Mater Res Bull 1990;25:457±64. [19] Viala JC, Bouix J, Gonzalez G, Esnouf C. The chemical reactivity of aluminium with boron carbide B4C. J Mater Sci 1997;33:4559±73. [20] Viala JC, Fortier P, Claveyrolas G, Vincent H, Bouix J. E€ect of magnesium on the composition, microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon ®bres. J Mater Sci 1991;26:4977±84. [21] Bosselet F, Mentzen BF, Viala JC, Etoh MA, Bouix J. Synthesis and structure of T2±Al2MgC2. Eur J Solid State Inorg Chem 1998;35:91±9. [22] Bouix J, Viala JC, Abiven H, Picouet L, Claveyrolas J. Compo￾site material combining a magnesium alloy containing zirconium with a carbon reinforcement and its production process. US Patent Demand 08 120 249, 1996. 362 J. Bouix et al. / Composites Science and Technology 61 (2001) 355±362
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