溢 制卧爱分贸多本芳 营销学原理 对外经济贸易大学 2001一2002学年第二学期 《营销学原理》期未考试试卷(A卷) 课程代码及课序号:MKT206-8 00营销、99海关、99商检、99法律、99行政、00财务、 00会本、00信息、99留学生、00金融 学号 姓名 班级 成绩 I.Multiple Choice(only one answer is correct,30 points): 1.Marketing is best understood as the process of: A.making a sale. B.creating customer needs. C.satisfying customer needs and wants. D.promoting products and services. E.generating(产生)a profit. 2.A person's want becomes a demand when his want is backed (支持)by A.purchasing power. B.products. C. needs. D. desire. E.exchange mechanisms. 3.The concept holds that all consumers will favor (喜欢)those products offering the most quality performances and features,therefore,the organization should devote its energy to making continuous product improvements. A.production B.product 第1页共13页营销学原理 对外经济贸易大学 2001⎯2002学年第二学期 《营销学原理》期末考试试卷(A卷) 课程代码及课序号: MKT206—8 00营销、99海关、99商检、99法律、99行政、00财务、 00会本、00信息、99留学生、00金融 学号__________ 姓名__________ 班级__________ 成绩__________ I. Multiple Choice (only one answer is correct, 30 points): 1. Marketing is best understood as the process of: A. making a sale. B. creating customer needs. C. satisfying customer needs and wants. D. promoting products and services. E. generating (产生) a profit. 2. A person's want becomes a demand when his want is backed (支持) by A. purchasing power. B. products. C. needs. D. desire. E. exchange mechanisms. 3. The __________ concept holds that all consumers will favor (喜欢) those products offering the most quality performances and features, therefore, the organization should devote its energy to making continuous product improvements. A. production B. product 第1页 共13页
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