A.makes it impossible for me to go on with the work A.It was not until dark that B.Scarcely it grew dark than B.made it impossible for me to go on with the work C.Hardly it grew dark than D.No sooner it grew dark when C.made me impossible go on with the work 99.Mary it hard to answer so complicated a question. D.made me impossible to go on with the work A.find B.found C.looked D.looked for 88.Look at those clouds.I think will be a thunderstorm. 100.We feel we should not be afraid of difficulties. A.that B.it C.here D.there A.it to be important B.it is important which C.that important D.it important that 89.Was it the professor regarded with such contempt? 101."Was that the dean who walked by?"" A.those that B.he who C.them who D.them whom A.It must have been B.He must be it C.must have been it D.It must be that 90."Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?""No, only the 102.In the past,different countries developed their own system of measurement.But two passengers who got hurt." with the expansion of science and world trade A.there was B.it were C.there is D.it was A.it became necessary for measurements to make in one country understood in 91.I desire that may be no wrong impression as to my daughter's education. another A.it B.that C.there D.what B.it became necessary for measurements to be made in one country 92.It is 7:30 in the evening now,and the wind is still blowing is getting colder. understood in another A.It B.That C.There D.What C.it became necessary for measurements made in one country to be understood in 93.It is leather its permeability to air and water vapor another A.structure that gives it B.its structure that gives D.that became necessary for measurements made in one county to be understood in C.giving it the structure of D.the structure it gives another 94.When all the present oilfields are exhausted, 103.I think it no use theory without practice. A.this cold region is possible to become the scene of oil activity A.that learning B.learning C.tolearn D.leam B.it is possible for this cold region become the sceneoil activity 104.After dinner will be a long discussion on the new design. C.it is possible that this cold region may become the scene of oil activity A.there B.it C.that D.what D.that is possible this cold region may become the scene of oil activety 105.Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s,but they move more quickly than in 95 the mass of the nucleus is slightly less than the total mass of the protons 1910. and neutrons which made up the nucleus A.was it B.it was C.did D.will A.It finds that B.It was found for C.It found that D.It was found that 106. your men have been on my land without permission. 96 only after he understood microphysics that Dr.Smith could complete A.There seems to be B.It seems that C.It seems for D.That seems her experiments in molecular biology. 107.Do you consider it any good more people over? A.It is B.It was C.There are D.There were A.sent B.that sends C.send D.sending 97. human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist. 108. every magnet is surrounded by a magnetic field. A.It also followed that B.It will be also followed that A.It is believed that B.It's believing that C.It believed that D.It believes that C.It also follows that D.It believed that 109. I have made no arrangements to deal with such cases. 98. he realized it was too late to retum home. A.It appears that B.It appear that C.That appears D.They appear that 4 A. makes it impossible for me to go on with the work B. made it impossible for me to go on with the work C. made me impossible go on with the work D. made me impossible to go on with the work 88.Look at those clouds. I think _ will be a thunderstorm. A. that B. it C. here D. there 89.Was it _ the professor regarded with such contempt? A. those that B. he who C. them who D. them whom 90.“Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?” “No, _ only the two passengers who got hurt.” A. there was B. it were C. there is D. it was 91.I desire that _ may be no wrong impression as to my daughter’s education. A. it B. that C. there D. what 92.It is 7:30 in the evening now, and the wind is still blowing. _ is getting colder. A. It B. That C. There D. What 93.It is _ leather its permeability to air and water vapor. A. structure that gives it B.its structure that gives C.giving it the structure of D.the structure it gives 94.When all the present oilfields are exhausted, _. A. this cold region is possible to become the scene of oil activity B. it is possible for this cold region become the sceneoil activity C. it is possible that this cold region may become the scene of oil activity D. that is possible this cold region may become the scene of oil activety 95._ the mass of the nucleus is slightly less than the total mass of the protons and neutrons which made up the nucleus. A. It finds that B. It was found for C. It found that D. It was found that 96._ only after he understood microphysics that Dr. Smith could complete her experiments in molecular biology. A. It is B. It was C. There are D. There were 97._ human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist. A. It also followed that B.It will be also followed that C.It also follows that D. It believed that 98._ he realized it was too late to return home. A. It was not until dark that B.Scarcely it grew dark than C.Hardly it grew dark than D.No sooner it grew dark when 99.Mary _ it hard to answer so complicated a question. A. find B. found C. looked D. looked for 100.We feel _ we should not be afraid of difficulties. A. it to be important B. it is important which C. that important D. it important that 101.“Was that the dean who walked by?” “_.” A. It must have been B. He must be it C. must have been it D. It must be that 102.In the past, different countries developed their own system of measurement. But with the expansion of science and world trade _. A. it became necessary for measurements to make in one country understood in another B. it became necessary for measurements to be made in one country understood in another C. it became necessary for measurements made in one country to be understood in another D. that became necessary for measurements made in one county to be understood in another 103.I think it no use _ theory without practice. A. that learning B. learning C. to learn D. learn 104.After dinner _ will be a long discussion on the new design. A. there B. it C. that D. what 105. Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s, but they _ move more quickly than in 1910. A. was it B. it was C. did D. will 106. _ your men have been on my land without permission. A. There seems to be B. It seems that C. It seems for D. That seems 107.Do you consider it any good _ more people over? A. sent B. that sends C. send D. sending 108._ every magnet is surrounded by a magnetic field. A. It is believed that B. It’s believing that C. It believed that D. It believes that 109._ I have made no arrangements to deal with such cases. A. It appears that B. It appear that C. That appears D. They appear that
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