M Mutation() 16888 E077 (no ) too little mutation leads to an impoverished genetic pool with increasing number of generations dilemma Too much mutation decreases convergence rate and undermines fitness-based selection bias What is mutation?. a genetic operator Modifies chromosomes to restore diversity Permit random changes in a member of a population Examples with probability 1 20 randomly flip a single bit of a solution from o to 1 or 1 to o probability of mutation often called"mutation rate expressing the probability Pm that a bit is changed C Massachusetts Institute of Technology -Prof de Weck and Prof Willcox Engineering Systems Division and Dept of Aeronautics and Astronautics0XWDWLRQ, QRWRROLWWOHPXWDWLRQOHDGVWRDQLPSRYHULVKHG JHQHWLFSRROZLWKLQFUHDVLQJQXPEHURIJHQHUDWLRQV GLOHPPD 7RRPXFKPXWDWLRQGHFUHDVHVFRQYHUJHQFHUDWH DQGXQGHUPLQHVILWQHVVEDVHGVHOHFWLRQELDV :KDWLVPXWDWLRQ"«DJHQHWLFRSHUDWRU 0RGLILHVFKURPRVRPHVWRUHVWRUHGLYHUVLW\ 3HUPLWUDQGRPFKDQJHVLQDPHPEHURIDSRSXODWLRQ ([DPSOHV ZLWKSUREDELOLW\UDQGRPO\IOLSDVLQJOHELWRI DVROXWLRQIURPWRRUWR SUREDELOLW\RIPXWDWLRQRIWHQFDOOHG³PXWDWLRQUDWH´ H[SUHVVLQJWKHSUREDELOLW\3PWKDWDELWLVFKDQJHG 0DVVDFKXVHWWV,QVWLWXWHRI7HFKQRORJ\3URIGH:HFNDQG3URI:LOOFR[ (QJLQHHULQJ6\VWHPV'LYLVLRQDQG'HSWRI$HURQDXWLFVDQG$VWURQDXWLFV