E. Laarz et al. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21(2001)1027-1035 TiNnano and TiN, respectively. BET-surface area and Scanning electron microscopy, SEM (JEOL 880, particle-size distribution measurements of the as- Japan), and transmission electron microscopy, TEM received TiC, TIN and TiNnano powders were obtained (JEOL 2000FX, Japan), were employed to gain infor by means of BET nitrogen adsorption analysis(Flow mation on the particle morphology(Fig. 1). X-ray Sorb lI 2300, Micromeritics, USA)and X-ray gravita- powder diffraction(XRD) patterns of the TiC and TiN tional sedimentation analysis(Sedi Graph 5100, Micro- powders were obtained using a Guinier-Hagg focusing meritics Instrument Corporation, USA), respectively. camera with subtraction geometry. Cu-Kal radiation Table I Manufacturer specifications showing particle size and chemical ana the different powders us TIN Tinman Al2O3 H C. Starck Sumitomo STD 120 Grade c AKP 30 cle size(um) (BET equivalent pherical diameter) 0.009 O(wt % Cl(wt%) <50 o'e So 9 Fig 1. Micrographs of as-received powder and whisker materials:(a)TiC; (b)TiN;(c)Ti(C N)whiskers: (d)TINnano particles        ' )2 #                     '              )    #     )  6? < == -- !    F<7   G) '      )  6< H 9/-- !    =     F<7   ' )2 <      ) <! 6( >>- ( 7         ) ! 6( ---?G ( 7   )          ) 6? 2 /72 G)   I  6G+J7                  H  8*          )2 )/   / !     ;           )    I            !    822 <  6H  )7 822 <  6H  )7 822 <  6H  )7 < 6( 7 A  H <J /- H    KA - A  67 /2L /2-9 -2- 6# 5'       7 -2  62:7 -2/9 -2> /2, 0  62:7 /,29 -2-9 -2--, 0  62:7 -2L 0 0 0    62:7 /,2/ 0 0 0  62:7 -2M /2 -29 0  62:7 0  2C 0 < 67 M- 9- N9- NL- ? 2 /2 !      '           B 67 . 67 . 6 7 67   . 67    2 /-> ., / -  , 0 1    . $    + 2+3 +45
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