小时。此外,蜻蜒的飞行行为简单,仅靠两对翅膀不停地拍打。科 学家据此结构基础研制成功了直升飞机。飞机在高速飞行时,常会引 起剧烈振动,甚至有时会折断机翼而引起飞机失事。蜻蜒依靠加重的 翅痣在高速飞行时安然无恙,于是人们仿效蜻蜒在飞机的两翼加上了 平衡重锤,解决了因高速飞行而引起振动这个令人棘手的问题。 eLEGS exoskeleton by berkeley bionics(Ekso Bionics) California-based Berkeley bionics has just unveiled an artificially intelligent human exoskeleton that enables paraplegics to walk. 'eLEGS'is a wearable bionic device that uses a gesture-based human-machine interface to determine the users gestural intentions and then acts accordingly.utilizing a series of sensors,a real-time computer draws on the user's input information to facilitate every aspect of a single stride.'Many of the 6 million Americans who live with some form of paralysis today were highly active and at the top小时。此外,蜻蜒的 飞行行为简单,仅靠两对翅膀不停地拍打。科 学家据此结构基础研制成功了直升飞机。飞机在高速飞行时,常会引 起剧烈振动,甚至有时会折断机翼而引起飞机失事。蜻蜒依靠加重的 翅痣在高速飞行时安然无恙,于是人们仿效蜻蜒在飞机的两翼加上了 平衡重锤,解决了因高速飞行而引起振动这个令人棘手的问题。 --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- eLEGS exoskeleton by berkeley bionics (Ekso Bionics) California-based Berkeley bionics has just unveiled an artificially intelligent human exoskeleton that enables paraplegics to walk. 'eLEGS' is a wearable bionic device that uses a gesture-based human-machine interface to determine the users gestural intentions and then acts accordingly. utilizing a series of sensors, a real-time computer draws on the user's input information to facilitate every aspect of a single stride. 'Many of the 6 million Americans who live with some form of paralysis today were highly active and at the top