S. Schmidt et al./ Acta Astronautica 55(2004)409-420 applying the so-called Liquid Polymer Infiltration pro- Since the start of development, test times of 8900 s cess. In order to determine the specific characteristics (approx. 2.5 h)at wall temperatures of up to 2000 K and to monitor the quality, various destructive as well and combustion-chamber pressures of 10-ll bars as non-destructive test measures were carried out were reached within the scope of various test cam- In hot-firing tests, the performance together with the paigns. With regard to advanced combustion cham- long-term loadability of the diverse components were bers, the structural integrity was proven even in the analysed. For instance, temperatures of up to 2300 K case of the most stringent requirements and thermal gradients in the component of up to 650 K With the objective of were detected for the Vulcain subscale nozzle(orig- in the sector of fibre-reinforced ceramics, a new, in- inal contour on the scale of 1: 5)in two test series novative technology programme was launched in or- various conditions, such as an internal chamber pres- der to combine textile techniques with special infil sure of 40 and 80 bars. This served to verify the feasi- tration methods, hence creating a cost effective and at bility of complex nozzle components made using the the same time high-performance material LPI Route For the upper-stage engine AESTUS with a fibre-reinforced ceramic nozzle of the original size, References the high damage tolerance as well as the resistance of the component to elevated temperatures were [1J. Alting, F. Grauer. G. Hagemann, J. Kretschmer, Hot-firing of an advanced 40 kN thrust chamber, AlAA 2001-3260, July demonstrated successfully in a combined 150-s-long hot-firing test in a vacuum with an internal chamber pressure of ll bars. In order to obtain statements about deployment For further reading as a material for combustion chambers in addition to the usability of fibre-reinforced ceramics in the Boeing nozzle-extension sector, various hot-firing test cam S. Beyer, H. Knabe, F. Strobel, Development and testing of C/Sic paigns to determine temperature limits and long-term components for liquid rocket propulsion applications, AIAA 99-2896,June1999 behaviour with given operating parameters were per- formed following the manufacture of small 400 N ceramic thrusters420 S. Schmidt et al. /Acta Astronautica 55 (2004) 409 – 420 applying the so-called Liquid Polymer In3ltration pro￾cess. In order to determine the speci3c characteristics and to monitor the quality, various destructive as well as non-destructive test measures were carried out. In hot-3ring tests, the performance together with the long-term loadabilityof the diverse components were analysed. For instance, temperatures of up to 2300 K and thermal gradients in the component of up to 650 K were detected for the Vulcain subscale nozzle (orig￾inal contour on the scale of 1:5) in two test series various conditions, such as an internal chamber pres￾sure of 40 and 80 bars. This served to verifythe feasi￾bilityof complex nozzle components made using the LPI Route. For the upper-stage engine AESTUS with a 3bre-reinforced ceramic nozzle of the original size, the high damage tolerance as well as the resistance of the component to elevated temperatures were demonstrated successfullyin a combined 150-s-long hot-3ring test in a vacuum with an internal chamber pressure of 11 bars. In order to obtain statements about deployment as a material for combustion chambers in addition to the usabilityof 3bre-reinforced ceramics in the nozzle-extension sector, various hot-3ring test cam￾paigns to determine temperature limits and long-term behaviour with given operating parameters were per￾formed following the manufacture of small 400 N ceramic thrusters. Since the start of development, test times of 8900 s (approx. 2:5 h) at wall temperatures of up to 2000 K and combustion-chamber pressures of 10–11 bars were reached within the scope of various test cam￾paigns. With regard to advanced combustion cham￾bers, the structural integritywas proven even in the case of the most stringent requirements. With the objective of consolidating competencies in the sector of 3bre-reinforced ceramics, a new, in￾novative technologyprogramme was launched in or￾der to combine textile techniques with special in3l￾tration methods, hence creating a cost e;ective and at the same time high-performance material. References [1] J. Alting, F. Grauer, G. Hagemann, J. Kretschmer, Hot-3ring of an advanced 40 kN thrust chamber, AIAA 2001-3260, July 2001. For further reading Boeing. S. Beyer, H. Knabe, F. Strobel, Development and testing of C/SiC components for liquid rocket propulsion applications, AIAA 99-2896, June 1999
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