89.5 Arrhenius equation 9.5.11 modification of Arrhenius equation 9.5.12 A on reaction rate To measure activation energy of the E reaction over a large span of temperature k= Expl RT would result in exceptional difficulties Type of Unimolecular Bimolecular Termolecular In k a+ln a reaction reaction reaction reaction RT 1013 101l 109 mol1dm3s1mol2dm° When t→>∞,A=k. Is this correct How can we measure the experimental activation energy of an reaction?To measure activation energy of the reaction over a large span of temperature would result in exceptional difficulties. A RT E k a ln = − + ln When T →, A = k. Is this correct? How can we measure the experimental activation energy of an reaction? 9.5.11 modification of Arrhenius equation §9.5 Arrhenius equation 9.5.12 A on reaction rate       = − RT E k A a exp
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