Chapter s Operating System 5.2 Evolution of os function Jobs, programs and processes A job is a computational structure which is a sequence of programs. It consists of a sequence of job steps, each job step constituting the execution of a program. Thus, a job for the compilation and execution of a Pascal program involves the following three job steps---execution of the Pascal compiler to compile the Pascal program, execution of the linker to prepare the compiled program for execution and execution of the object program which has just been linked. 作业是一个程序序列的计算结构。它由一系列作业步组成,每一步都是一个程序 执行的一部分。例如,一个对 Pasca程序进行编译和执行的作业包括以下三步: 用编译程序对程序进行编译,用链接程序准备对编译好的程序的执行,以及执行 刚刚链接好的目标程序。 《什第机专出美语 5-32Chapter 5 Operating System 计算机专业英语 5-32 Jobs, programs and processes A job is a computational structure which is a sequence of programs. It consists of a sequence of job steps, each job step constituting the execution of a program. Thus, a job for the compilation and execution of a Pascal program involves the following three job steps---execution of the Pascal compiler to compile the Pascal program, execution of the linker to prepare the compiled program for execution and execution of the object program which has just been linked. 作业是一个程序序列的计算结构。它由一系列作业步组成,每一步都是一个程序 执行的一部分。例如,一个对Pascal程序进行编译和执行的作业包括以下三步: 用编译程序对程序进行编译,用链接程序准备对编译好的程序的执行,以及执行 刚刚链接好的目标程序。 5.2 Evolution of OS Function