德姆塞茨Harold.Demsetz,1930- Early developer of Coase's theory of property rights.His 1967 paper argued that the allocation of property rights was a precondition for the efficient functioning of markets.Demsetz pursued these "Chicago"-style concerns i.e.locating the emergence of institutions such as property rights contracts,firms,oligopolistic(市场供应 垄断者)behavior etc.in transactions costs and information problems. Demsetz's 1972 paper with Alchian was one of the earliest analyses of the “principal-agent(委托代理)"problem. 2009-12-20 石河子大学经贸学院经济系副教授 P D F cre a te d w ith p d fF awentodffactycomtria l v e rs ion2009-12-20 石河子大学经贸学院经济系 副教授 16 德姆塞茨 Harold.Demsetz, 1930- Early developer of Coase‘s theory of property rights. His 1967 paper argued that the allocation of property rights was a precondition for the efficient functioning of markets. Demsetz pursued these “Chicago”-style concerns - i.e. locating the emergence of institutions such as property rights, contracts, firms, oligopolistic(市场供应 垄断者) behavior etc. in transactions costs and information problems. Demsetz’s 1972 paper with Alchian was one of the earliest analyses of the “principal-agent(委托代理)" problem. P D F c r e a t e d w i t h p d f F awww.pdffactory.com c t o r y P r o t r i a l v e r s i on
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