H E. Eaton, G D. Linsey /Journal of the European Ceramic Society 22 (2002)2741-2747 2747 applied to SiC substrates, and tested in rig facilities and DS. Klemm. H. Taut, C. More. K. and Tortorelli. P. Oxida actual engine environments. Testing has shown that tion Behavior of Prospective Silicon Nitride materials for Advanced these EBC's provide protection to the substrate and that Microturbine Applications. ASME 2001-GT-459. New Orleans, at least a 3 x improvement in life is achieved at this time. 12. Yuri. L. Hisamatsu, T. Etor Y and Yamamoto, T, Degrada- tion of Silicon Carbide in Combustion Gas Flow at High-Tem perature and Speed. ASME 2000-GT-664. Munich, 2000. References 13. Filsinger, D. Schulz, A, Wittig, S, Taut, C, Klemm, H. and Wotting. G. Model Combustor to Assess the Oxidation behavior 1. Lea, A. C, Oxidation of silicon carbide refractory materials. J. of Ceramic Materials under real Engine Conditions. ASME 1999 lass Technol, 33(150)27-50T(1949): Ceram. Abstr., 1951 GT-349, Indianapolis. 1999 mber, pp. 198f Miriyala, N, Fahme, A and van Roode, M, Ceramic Stationary E. J and Hann Jr..R. E. Paralinear oxidation of CVD Gas Turbine Programm-Combustor Liner Development. ASME in water vapor.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1997, 80(1)197-205 2001-GT-512. New Orleans. 2001 3. Pila, E.J., Fox, D.S. and Jacobson, N.s., Mass 15. Eaton, H. E, Linsey. G. D. Sun, E.Y., More, K. L, identification of Si-O-OH(g) species from the reaction of silica J. B. Price, J.R. and Miriyala, N. EBC Protection of with water v 1997,80(4),1009-1012 tinuing Evaluation and Refurbishment Considerations 4. Pila. E. J, Smialek, J. L, Robinson, R. C, Fox, D. S.and 2001-GT-513. New Orleans. 2001 Jacobson, N.S., SiC recession caused by Sio2 scale volatility 16. Corman. G. Dean. A. Brabetz, S. McManus, K, Brun. M under combustion conditions: Il, thermodynamcis and gaseous Meschter, P. Luthra, K, Wong. H. Orenstein, R. Schroder, M diffusion model. J. Am. Ceram Soc., 1999, 82(7), 1826-1834. Martin. D. De Stefano, R. and Tognarelli. L. Rig and Gas Tur. 5. Robinson. R. C and Smialek, J. L. SiC recession caused by SiO2 bine Engine Testing of Ml-CMC Combustor and Shroud Compo- scale volatility under combustion conditions: I. experimental nents. ASME 2001-GT-593. New Orleans. 2001 results and empirical model. J. Am. Ceram. Soc.. 1999. 82(7). 17. Lee. K.N. Current status of environmental barrier coatings for l817-1825. Technology, 2000, 133- 6. Eaton, H. E. Linsey. G. D. More, K.L. Kimmel, J B. Price, J R and Miriyala, N. EBC Protection of Sic/sic Composites in 18. United States Patents 6.284,325. Silicon Based Substrate with the gas Turbine Combustion Environment. ASME 2000-GT-631 Calcium Aluminosilicate Environmental/Thermal Barrier Layer Munich. 2000. and 6.296.942. Silicon based substrate with Calcium aluminosili-. 7. Ferber, M.K., Lin, H. T. Parthasarathy. v and Wenglarz, R. cate Environmental/ Thermal Barrier Layer A. Degradation of Silicon Nitrides in High Pressure, Moisture rich 19. United States Patents 6.296.941. Silicon Based Substrate with Environments. ASME 2000-GT-661. Munich. 2000. Environmental/ Thermal Barrier Layer and 8. Wenglarz, R. A and Kouns K. Ceramic Vanes for a Model 5( 6.312, 763. Silicon Based Substrate with Yttrium Silicate Environ K Industria Turbine Demo ion. ASME 2000-GT-73 munich. 2000 20. European Patent Application EP 1 044 943, Silicon Based Sub- 9. Smialek, J. L, Robinson, R. C, Opila. E. J, Fox, D. S. and strate with Environmental/Thermal Barrier laye Jacobson, N.S., SiC and Si,Na recession due to SiO, scale vola 21. Eaton, H. E. et al, 24th Annual Conf. On ceramics, Metal y under combustor conditions. Adv Composite Mater., 1999, Carbon Composites, Materials and Structures. January 2000 22. United States Patent 6. 254,935. Method for Applying a Barrier 10. More. K. L. Tortorelli, P. F. Ferber. M. K. and Keiser. J. D Laver to a Silicon Observations of accelerated silicon carbide oxidation at high 23. Eldridge, J, Phase Evolution Study of BsAs in Environmental water-vapor pressures. J. Am. Ceram Soc., 2000, 83(1), 211-213 neering and Science proceed 11. Schenk, B J Strangman, T, Opila, E J, Robinson, R C, Fox 2001,2(4),383-390applied to SiC substrates, and tested in rig facilities and actual engine environments. Testing has shown that these EBC’s provide protection to the substrate and that at least a 3 improvement in life is achieved at this time. References 1. Lea, A. C., Oxidation of silicon carbide refractory materials. J. Soc. Glass Technol., 33(150) 27–50T (1949); Ceram. Abstr., 1951, November, pp. 198f. 2. Opila, E. J. and Hann Jr., R. E., Paralinear oxidation of CVD SiC in water vapor. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1997, 80(1), 197–205. 3. Opila, E. J., Fox, D. S. and Jacobson, N. S., Mass spectrometric identification of Si-O-OH(g) species from the reaction of silica with water vapor at atmospheric pressure. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1997, 80(4), 1009–1012. 4. Opila, E. J., Smialek, J. L., Robinson, R. C., Fox, D. S. and Jacobson, N. S., SiC recession caused by SiO2 scale volatility under combustion conditions: II, thermodynamcis and gaseous￾diffusion model. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1999, 82(7), 1826–1834. 5. Robinson, R. C. and Smialek, J. L., SiC recession caused by SiO2 scale volatility under combustion conditions: I, experimental results and empirical model. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1999, 82(7), 1817–1825. 6. Eaton, H. E., Linsey, G. D., More, K. L., Kimmel, J. B., Price, J. R. and Miriyala, N., EBC Protection of SiC/SiC Composites in the Gas Turbine Combustion Environment. ASME 2000-GT-631, Munich, 2000. 7. Ferber, M. K., Lin, H. T., Parthasarathy, V. and Wenglarz, R. A., Degradation of Silicon Nitrides in High Pressure, Moisture rich Environments, ASME 2000-GT-661, Munich, 2000. 8. Wenglarz, R. A. and Kouns, K., Ceramic Vanes for a Model 501- K Industrial Turbine Demonstration. ASME 2000-GT-73, Munich, 2000. 9. Smialek, J. L., Robinson, R. C., Opila, E. J., Fox, D. S. and Jacobson, N. S., SiC and Si3N4 recession due to SiO2 scale vola￾tility under combustor conditions. Adv. Composite Mater., 1999, 8(1), 33–45. 10. More, K. L., Tortorelli, P. F., Ferber, M. K. and Keiser, J. D., Observations of accelerated silicon carbide oxidation at high water-vapor pressures. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2000, 83(1), 211–213. 11. Schenk, B. J., Strangman, T., Opila, E. J., Robinson, R. C., Fox, D.S., Klemm, H., Taut, C., More, K. and Tortorelli, P., Oxida￾tion Behavior of Prospective Silicon Nitride materials for Advanced Microturbine Applications. ASME 2001-GT-459, New Orleans, 2001. 12. Yuri, I., Hisamatsu, T., Etori, Y. and Yamamoto, T., Degrada￾tion of Silicon Carbide in Combustion Gas Flow at High-Tem￾perature and Speed. ASME 2000-GT-664, Munich, 2000. 13. Filsinger, D., Schulz, A., Wittig, S., Taut, C., Klemm, H. and Wo¨tting, G., Model Combustor to Assess the Oxidation Behavior of Ceramic Materials under Real Engine Conditions. ASME 1999- GT-349, Indianapolis, 1999. 14. Miriyala, N., Fahme, A. and van Roode, M., Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Program-Combustor Liner Development. ASME 2001-GT-512, New Orleans, 2001. 15. Eaton, H. E., Linsey, G. D., Sun, E. Y., More, K. L., Kimmel, J. B., Price, J. R. and Miriyala, N. EBC Protection of SiC/SiC Composites in the Gas Turbine Combustion Environment—Con￾tinuing Evaluation and Refurbishment Considerations. ASME 2001-GT-513, New Orleans, 2001. 16. Corman, G., Dean, A., Brabetz, S., McManus, K., Brun, M., Meschter, P., Luthra, K., Wong, H., Orenstein, R., Schroder, M., Martin, D., De Stefano, R. and Tognarelli, L., Rig and Gas Tur￾bine Engine Testing of MI-CMC Combustor and Shroud Compo￾nents. ASME 2001-GT-593, New Orleans, 2001. 17. Lee, K. N., Current status of environmental barrier coatings for Si-based ceramics. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2000, 133– 134, 1–7. 18. United States Patents 6,284,325. Silicon Based Substrate with Calcium Aluminosilicate Environmental/Thermal Barrier Layer and 6,296,942, Silicon Based Substrate with Calcium Aluminosili￾cate Environmental/Thermal Barrier Layer. 19. United States Patents 6,296,941. Silicon Based Substrate with Yttrium Silicate Environmental/Thermal Barrier Layer and 6,312,763, Silicon Based Substrate with Yttrium Silicate Environ￾mental/Thermal Barrier Layer. 20. European Patent Application EP 1 044 943, Silicon Based Sub￾strate with Environmental/Thermal Barrier Layer. 21. Eaton, H. E. et al., 24th Annual Conf. On ceramics, Metal & Carbon Composites, Materials and Structures. January 2000. 22. United States Patent 6,254,935. Method for Applying a Barrier Layer to a Silicon Based Substrate. 23. Eldridge, J., Phase Evolution Study of BSAS in Environmental Barrier Coatings. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 2001, 22(4), 383–390. H.E. Eaton, G.D. Linsey/ Journal of the European Ceramic Society 22 (2002) 2741–2747 2747
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