o The University of Kangaroos held a national symposium on November 8th, on diversifying the food intake of all the kangaroos. Traditionally Sample note kangaroos feed on fresh grass However as a joint result of Uni.⊙8/11 climate change and human exploitation, the production of Tra. fre gras fresh grass on the Australian Clima+ human→↓/year E prairie is decreasing on a yearly xp. gov. prog B erry basis. Experts suggest that the Corn kangaroo government start a Dry gras new and comprehensive nutrition program encouraging the citizens to take in more berries, corns and dry grass, in order to combat the current food deficiencySample note Uni. ⊙ 8/11 : ↑ food Tra. fre gras Clima+human→ ↓/year Exp: gov. prog. Berry Corn Dry gras ﹥﹤ ×