Syntax Basic element:random variable(随机变量)】 Similar to propositional logic:possible worlds defined by assignment of values to random variables. ,Boolean random variables(布尔随机变量) e.g,Cavity(牙洞)(do I have a cavity?) ,Discrete random variables(离散随机变量) e.g.,Weather is one of sunny,rainy,cloudy,snow Domain values must be exhaustive(穷尽的)and mutually exclusive(互斥的) Continuous random variables(连续随机变量) e.g.,Temp=21.6;also allow,e.g.,Temp 22.0 口卡回t·三4色,是分Q0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syntax Basic element: random variable(随机变量) Similar to propositional logic: possible worlds defined by assignment of values to random variables. ▶ Boolean random variables(布尔随机变量) e.g., Cavity(牙洞)(do I have a cavity?) ▶ Discrete random variables(离散随机变量) e.g., Weather is one of ⟨ sunny, rainy, cloudy, snow ⟩ Domain values must be exhaustive(穷尽的)and mutually exclusive(互斥的) ▶ Continuous random variables(连续随机变量) e.g., Temp=21.6; also allow, e.g., Temp < 22.0
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