工程科学学报,第38卷,第8期:1145-1152,2016年8月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol.38,No.8:1145-1152,August 2016 D0l:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2016.08.014:http://journals..ustb.edu.cn Cr3C2含量对CrC2NiAl复合材料摩擦磨损性能的 影响 傅丽华2》,韩伟)区,谢琰军”,李长海》,董超芳》,赵琳”,田志凌) 1)钢铁研究总院,北京1000812)北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京100083 3)查尔姆斯理工大学材料与制造技术学院,哥德堡SE41296,瑞典 ☒通信作者,E-mail:hanw@cisri..com.cn 摘要采用热等静压法制备Ni3Al合金和Cr3C2含量不同的NiAl基复合耐磨材料,利用扫描电镜、能谱仪、X射线衍射仪 及摩擦磨损试验机,系统地研究C3C2含量对材料组织特征、硬度及摩擦磨损性能的影响.结果表明:C3C2/Ni3Al复合材料 中,CrC2颗粒与NiAl颗粒之间发生互扩散作用,使部分Cr3C2颗粒转变为M,C:(M=Cr,Fe,Ni)结构:在特定的摩擦磨损 条件下,随着Ni3Al基体中CC2比例增大,CrC2/Ni,A1复合材料的耐磨性能显著提高,达到了Ni,A1合金耐磨性能的4~10 倍.此外,随着NA基体中CrC,比例的增大,C3C2/Nig Al复合材料对对磨盘的切削、刮擦作用减弱,对磨盘的磨损量减少. 关键词金属间化合物:热等静压:颗粒增强复合材料:微观组织:摩擦磨损 分类号TB333 Influence of Cr3 C2 content on the wear properties of Cr3C2/Ni,Al composites FU Li-hua2),HAN Wei,XIE Yan-jun,LI Chang-hai,DONG Chao-fang",ZHAO Lin,TIAN Zhi-ling 1)Central Iron and Steel Research Institute,Beijing 100081,China 2)School of Material Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 3)Department of Materials and Manufacturing Technology,Chalmers University of Technology,Goteborg SE-41296,Sweden Corresponding author,E-mail:hanw@cisri.com.cn ABSTRACT The Ni,Al-alloy and its composites with different Cr,C contents were fabricated by a hot isostatic pressing (HIP) technique.The influences of Cr,C content on the microstructure,hardness and wear properties of the CrC/Ni,Al composites were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM),energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS),X-ray diffraction (XRD)and wear tribometry.The results show that inter-diffusion occurs between the original CrC,and the Ni,Al particles during the HIP process and the Cr,C particles partially transform into M,C(M=Cr,Fe,Ni)structures.Under specific friction and wear conditions,the wear resistance of the CraC/Ni,Al composites is significantly improved due to the addition of CraC2 particles by about 4-10 times, compared to the Ni Al alloy.In addition,the cutting and scraping effects of counter-part disks by the Cr:C2/Ni,Al composites decrea- ses with increasing Cr C,addition,resulting in a reduction in wear rate of counter-part disks. KEY WORDS intermetallic compounds:hot isostatic pressing:particle reinforced composites;microstructure;wear 随着汽车、船舶及航空领域内燃机向着“三高三 和低排放)方向不断地发展,使得内燃机的工作条件 低”(即高效率、高功率、高转速、低噪音、低燃油消耗极其苛刻。一台内燃机中存在成千上百个摩擦组件, 收稿日期:2016-05-26 基金项目:国家国际科技合作专项资助项目(2015DFA50970,2012DFG51670):清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目 (SKLTKF14B11)工程科学学报,第 38 卷,第 8 期: 1145--1152,2016 年 8 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol. 38,No. 8: 1145--1152,August 2016 DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn2095--9389. 2016. 08. 014; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn Cr3 C2 含量对 Cr3 C2 /Ni3 Al 复合材料摩擦磨损性能的 影响 傅丽华1,2) ,韩 伟1) ,谢琰军1) ,李长海3) ,董超芳2) ,赵 琳1) ,田志凌1) 1) 钢铁研究总院,北京 100081 2) 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100083 3) 查尔姆斯理工大学材料与制造技术学院,哥德堡 SE-412 96,瑞典  通信作者,E-mail: hanw@ cisri. com. cn 摘 要 采用热等静压法制备 Ni3Al 合金和 Cr3C2 含量不同的 Ni3Al 基复合耐磨材料,利用扫描电镜、能谱仪、X 射线衍射仪 及摩擦磨损试验机,系统地研究 Cr3C2 含量对材料组织特征、硬度及摩擦磨损性能的影响. 结果表明: Cr3C2 /Ni3Al 复合材料 中,Cr3C2 颗粒与 Ni3Al 颗粒之间发生互扩散作用,使部分 Cr3C2 颗粒转变为 M7C3 ( M = Cr,Fe,Ni) 结构; 在特定的摩擦磨损 条件下,随着 Ni3Al 基体中 Cr3C2 比例增大,Cr3C2 /Ni3Al 复合材料的耐磨性能显著提高,达到了 Ni3Al 合金耐磨性能的 4 ~ 10 倍. 此外,随着 Ni3Al 基体中 Cr3C2 比例的增大,Cr3C2 /Ni3Al 复合材料对对磨盘的切削、刮擦作用减弱,对磨盘的磨损量减少. 关键词 金属间化合物; 热等静压; 颗粒增强复合材料; 微观组织; 摩擦磨损 分类号 TB333 Influence of Cr3C2 content on the wear properties of Cr3C2 /Ni3Al composites FU Li-hua1,2) ,HAN Wei1)  ,XIE Yan-jun1) ,LI Chang-hai3) ,DONG Chao-fang2) ,ZHAO Lin1) ,TIAN Zhi-ling1) 1) Central Iron and Steel Research Institute,Beijing 100081,China 2) School of Material Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 3) Department of Materials and Manufacturing Technology,Chalmers University of Technology,Goteborg SE-412 96,Sweden  Corresponding author,E-mail: hanw@ cisri. com. cn ABSTRACT The Ni3Al-alloy and its composites with different Cr3C2 contents were fabricated by a hot isostatic pressing ( HIP) technique. The influences of Cr3C2 content on the microstructure,hardness and wear properties of the Cr3C2 /Ni3Al composites were investigated by scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) ,energy dispersive spectroscopy ( EDS) ,X-ray diffraction ( XRD) and wear tribometry. The results show that inter-diffusion occurs between the original Cr3C2 and the Ni3Al particles during the HIP process and the Cr3C2 particles partially transform into M7C3 ( M = Cr,Fe,Ni) structures. Under specific friction and wear conditions,the wear resistance of the Cr3C2 /Ni3Al composites is significantly improved due to the addition of Cr3C2 particles by about 4 - 10 times, compared to the Ni3Al alloy. In addition,the cutting and scraping effects of counter-part disks by the Cr3C2 /Ni3Al composites decrea￾ses with increasing Cr3C2 addition,resulting in a reduction in wear rate of counter-part disks. KEY WORDS intermetallic compounds; hot isostatic pressing; particle reinforced composites; microstructure; wear 收稿日期: 2016--05--26 基金项目: 国家国际科技合作专项资助项目 ( 2015DFA50970,2012DFG51670 ) ; 清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目 ( SKLTKF14B11) 随着汽车、船舶及航空领域内燃机向着“三高三 低”( 即高效率、高功率、高转速、低噪音、低燃油消耗 和低排放) 方向不断地发展,使得内燃机的工作条件 极其苛刻. 一台内燃机中存在成千上百个摩擦组件
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