Ⅱ根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.你将最想念哪一位老师? Which teacher will you miss the most 2.我知道罗伯特先生在数学课上总是对你很有耐心。 I know that Mr.Robert was always_patient with you in math class. 3.无论何时,只要我有任何不明白的问题,他都会花时间给我 解释清楚。 He always takes the time to explain things to me clearly whenever I can't understand anything. 导航页导航页 Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 你将最想念哪一位老师? __________teacher will you miss ____________________? 2. 我知道罗伯特先生在数学课上总是对你很有耐心。 I know that Mr. Robert was always ________ _________you in math class. 3. 无论何时,只要我有任何不明白的问题,他都会花时间给我 解释清楚。 He always _______ ___________ ____________to explain things to me clearly whenever I can’t understand anything. Which the most patient with takes the time
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