Table of Prototype Declarations (nr.h) 937 float rf(float x,float y,float z); float rj(float x,float y,float z,float p); void rk4(float y[],float dydx[],int n,float x,float h,float yout[], void (*derivs)(float,float []float [])) void rkck(float y[],float dydx[],int n,float x,float h, float yout[],float yerr[],void (*derivs)(float,float []float [])) void rkdumb(float vstart[],int nvar,float xi,float x2,int nstep, void(*derivs)(f1oat,f1oat[☐,f1oat])); void rkgs(float y[],float dydx[],int n,float *x, float htry,float eps,float yscal[],float *hdid,float *hnext, void(*derivs).(f1oat,f1oat☐,float)); void rlft3(float +**data,float **speq,unsigned long nn1, unsigned long nn2,unsigned long nn3,int isign); float rofunc(float b); void rotate(float *r,float **qt,int n,int i,float a,float b); void rsolv(float *a,int n,float d[],float b[]); granted for 19881992 void rstrct(double *uc,double **uf,int nc); float rtbis(float (*func)(float),float x1,float x2,float xacc); 1.800 float rtflsp(float (*func)(float),float x1,float x2,float xacc); float rtnewt(void (*funcd)(float,float *float *)float x1,float x2, float xacc); to any nNUMERICAL RECIPES float rtsafe(void (*funcd)(float,float *float *)float x1,float x2 float xacc); float rtsec(float (*func)(float),float x1,float x2,float xacc); void rzextr(int iest,float xest,float yest[],float yz[],float dy,int nv); (Nort to make 2 void savgol(float c[],int np,int nl,int nr,int ld,int m); void score(float xf,float y[],float f[]); America server computer, Cambridge University Press. THE void scrsho(float (*fx)(float)); one paper ART float select(unsigned long k,unsigned long n,float arr[]); float selip(unsigned long k,unsigned long n,float arr]); void shell(unsigned long n,float a[]); Programs void shoot(int n,float v],float f]); for their void shootf(int n,float v[],float f[]); void simpl(float **a,int mm,int l1[],int nll,int iabf,int *kp, float *bmax); void simp2(float **a,int m,int n,int *ip,int kp); to dir void simp3(float **a,int i1,int k1,int ip,int kp); void simplx(float **a,int m,int n,int mi,int m2,int m3,int *icase, int izrov[],int iposv[]); void simpr(f1oaty[☐,f1 oat dydx0,float dfdx☐,f1oat**dfdy, ectcustser int n,float xs,float htot,int nstep,float yout], void(*derivs)(f1oat,f1loat[,float☐)); void sinft(float y[],int n); void slvsm2(double **u,double **rhs); void slvsml(double *u,double **rhs); void sncndn(float uu,float emmc,float *sn,float *cn,float *dn); 1988-1992 by Numerical Recipes SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING(ISBN -43108 double snrm(unsigned long n,double sx[],int itol); void sobseg(int wn,float x[]); void solvde(int itmax,float conv,float slowc,float scalv[], (outside int indexv[],int ne,int nb,int m,float **y,float ***c,float **s); void sor(double **a,double **b,double **c,double **d,double *e, Software. double **f,double **u,int jmax,double rjac); void sort(unsigned long n,float arr[]); void sort2(unsigned long n,float arr[],float brr[); void sort3(unsigned long n,float ra[],float rb[],float rc[]); void spctrm(FILE *fp,float p],int m,int k,int ovrlap); void spear(float datai[],float data2,unsigned long n,float *d,float *zd, float *probd,float *rs,float *probrs); void sphbes(int n,float x,float *sj,float *sy,float *sjp,float *syp); void splie2(f1oatx1a[☐,f1oatx2a[☐,f1oat*ya,intm,intn,f1oat*y2a); void splin2(float xia[],float x2a[],float **ya,float **y2a,int m,int n, float x1,float x2,float *y); void spline(float x[],float y[],int n,float yp1,float ypn,float y2[]); void splint(float xa[],float ya[],float y2a[],int n,float x,float y);Table of Prototype Declarations (nr.h) 937 Permission is granted for internet users to make one paper copy for their own personal use. Further reproduction, or any copyin Copyright (C) 1988-1992 by Cambridge University Press. Programs Copyright (C) 1988-1992 by Numerical Recipes Software. Sample page from NUMERICAL RECIPES IN C: THE ART OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (ISBN 0-521-43108-5) g of machine￾readable files (including this one) to any server computer, is strictly prohibited. To order Numerical Recipes books or CDROMs, visit website http://www.nr.com or call 1-800-872-7423 (North America only), or send email to directcustserv@cambridge.org (outside North America). float rf(float x, float y, float z); float rj(float x, float y, float z, float p); void rk4(float y[], float dydx[], int n, float x, float h, float yout[], void (*derivs)(float, float [], float [])); void rkck(float y[], float dydx[], int n, float x, float h, float yout[], float yerr[], void (*derivs)(float, float [], float [])); void rkdumb(float vstart[], int nvar, float x1, float x2, int nstep, void (*derivs)(float, float [], float [])); void rkqs(float y[], float dydx[], int n, float *x, float htry, float eps, float yscal[], float *hdid, float *hnext, void (*derivs)(float, float [], float [])); void rlft3(float ***data, float **speq, unsigned long nn1, unsigned long nn2, unsigned long nn3, int isign); float rofunc(float b); void rotate(float **r, float **qt, int n, int i, float a, float b); void rsolv(float **a, int n, float d[], float b[]); void rstrct(double **uc, double **uf, int nc); float rtbis(float (*func)(float), float x1, float x2, float xacc); float rtflsp(float (*func)(float), float x1, float x2, float xacc); float rtnewt(void (*funcd)(float, float *, float *), float x1, float x2, float xacc); float rtsafe(void (*funcd)(float, float *, float *), float x1, float x2, float xacc); float rtsec(float (*func)(float), float x1, float x2, float xacc); void rzextr(int iest, float xest, float yest[], float yz[], float dy[], int nv); void savgol(float c[], int np, int nl, int nr, int ld, int m); void score(float xf, float y[], float f[]); void scrsho(float (*fx)(float)); float select(unsigned long k, unsigned long n, float arr[]); float selip(unsigned long k, unsigned long n, float arr[]); void shell(unsigned long n, float a[]); void shoot(int n, float v[], float f[]); void shootf(int n, float v[], float f[]); void simp1(float **a, int mm, int ll[], int nll, int iabf, int *kp, float *bmax); void simp2(float **a, int m, int n, int *ip, int kp); void simp3(float **a, int i1, int k1, int ip, int kp); void simplx(float **a, int m, int n, int m1, int m2, int m3, int *icase, int izrov[], int iposv[]); void simpr(float y[], float dydx[], float dfdx[], float **dfdy, int n, float xs, float htot, int nstep, float yout[], void (*derivs)(float, float [], float [])); void sinft(float y[], int n); void slvsm2(double **u, double **rhs); void slvsml(double **u, double **rhs); void sncndn(float uu, float emmc, float *sn, float *cn, float *dn); double snrm(unsigned long n, double sx[], int itol); void sobseq(int *n, float x[]); void solvde(int itmax, float conv, float slowc, float scalv[], int indexv[], int ne, int nb, int m, float **y, float ***c, float **s); void sor(double **a, double **b, double **c, double **d, double **e, double **f, double **u, int jmax, double rjac); void sort(unsigned long n, float arr[]); void sort2(unsigned long n, float arr[], float brr[]); void sort3(unsigned long n, float ra[], float rb[], float rc[]); void spctrm(FILE *fp, float p[], int m, int k, int ovrlap); void spear(float data1[], float data2[], unsigned long n, float *d, float *zd, float *probd, float *rs, float *probrs); void sphbes(int n, float x, float *sj, float *sy, float *sjp, float *syp); void splie2(float x1a[], float x2a[], float **ya, int m, int n, float **y2a); void splin2(float x1a[], float x2a[], float **ya, float **y2a, int m, int n, float x1, float x2, float *y); void spline(float x[], float y[], int n, float yp1, float ypn, float y2[]); void splint(float xa[], float ya[], float y2a[], int n, float x, float *y);
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