July 1998 Interface Properties in High-Strength Nicalon/C/SiC Composites composites:Experimental Study and Model, "Acta Mater., 45 131025-44 17T A. Parthasarathy, DB.Marshall, and RJ.Kerans,"Analysis of the eN. Lissart and J. Lamon, "" Damage and Failure in Ceramic Matrix Mini- nd Sliding in Brittle Ma- (1997) trix Composites, " Acta Metall. Mater, 42[11]3773-84(1994) 7W. Lee S J. Howard, and W. J. Clegg. ""Growth of Interface Defects and Its ST. A. Parthasarathy and R J. Kerans, "Predicted Effects of Interfacial Effect on Crack Deflection and Toughening Criteria, " Acta Mater, 44 [10 Roughness on the of Selected Ceramic Composites, " J. Am. Ceram. J. Pagano, " On the Micromechanical Failure Modes in a Class of Ide- 9R. J. Kerans, "The Role of Coating Compliance and Fiber/Matrix Inte alized Brittle Matrix Composites, Part I: Axial Tension Loading of Coated Fiber cial Topography in Debonding in Ceramic Composites, "Scr. Metall. Mater. M. Monthioux and D. Cojean, ""Microtextures of Interfaces Related to Me. ceramic Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composite porate Coating Thermoelastic Effects into Fiber/Matrix Composite Models, J p. 729-34 in Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Comp materials (ECCM-5. Edited by A. R. Bunsell, J F. Jamet, and A. Massiah. 2N. J. Pagano and G. P. Tandon, "" Elastic R of Multi-Directiona European Association for Composite Materials(EACM), Bordeaux, Franc es, Compos. Sci. Technol, 31 14]273-93(1988) IOL. Guillaumat and J. Lamon, "Influence of Interfacial Characteristics on the Non-linear nations of Ceramic Matrix Composites"; pp. 649-56 in 31 R. O. Ritchie, R H. Dauskardt, w. w. Gerberich, A and E. Lil- gs of ICCM 10, Vol. IV. Edited by A. Poursartip and K. Sti sodden, ""Fracture, Fatigue and Indentation Behavior of for Biomedical Applications, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 383, 229-54 24J W. Hutchinson and H M. Jensen, "Models of Fiber Debonding and ac. 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