Unit4 NBA Difficult Sentences长难句 The tickets available in the black market were priced at 500%of their face values 在黑市上,可买得到的门票价格被标到票面价格的五倍。 available”意为“可得到的,可买得到的,在此处作后置定语。在英语中某些 以后缀-able和-ible结尾的形容词作定语时要后置。常见的这类形容词有sensible, visible.responsible,possible,acceptable,remarkable The man responsible for the car-accident was arrested. 对交通事故负有责任的那个人被逮捕了。 He has no tickets available for Friday's performance. 他没有弄到星期五演出的门票。 The engineers have tried all the means possible. 那几位工程师试过所有可以采用的方法。 be priced at":price”在此处为动词,意为“给…定价,标明价格”。 These shoes are priced at nine dollars. 那些鞋定价为9美元。 While CCTV Sports broadcasts NBAgames to the national audience,NBA fans in Shanghai,where Yao starred with a Chinese team before moving to the NBA,have more opportunities to watch NBA games on TV. 虽然中央电视台体育频道面向全国观众转播,但是上海作为姚明转入NBA之前曾出色效力 过的球队所在的城市,当地的球迷有更多的机会在电视上观看NBA的球赛。 “while”位于句首时,表达“尽管…”的意思.在此处引导让步状语从句。 While I strongly disagree with the court's decision,I accept it. 尽管我强烈反对法庭的决定,但我还是接受了它。 “sta”在此处作为动词,意思为"表现出众,出色地做工作。 "where Yao starred witha Chinese team before moving to the NBA”作为非限制性定语从句 修饰地点“Shanghai”。 The tower of London,whereso many people lost their lives,is nowa tourist attraction. Unit 4 NBA Difficult Sentences 长难句 The tickets available in the black market were priced at 500% of their face values. 在黑市上,可买得到的门票价格被标到票面价格的五倍。 “available”意为“可得到的,可买得到的”,在此处作后置定语。在英语中某些 以后缀-able 和-ible 结尾的形容词作定语时要后置。常见的这类形容词有 sensible, visible,responsible,possible,acceptable,remarkable 等。 The man responsible for the car-accident was arrested. 对交通事故负有责任的那个人被逮捕了。 He has no tickets available for Friday's performance. 他没有弄到星期五演出的门票。 The engineers have tried all the means possible. 那几位工程师试过所有可以采用的方法。 “be priced at”:“price”在此处为动词,意为“给……定价, 标明价格”。 These shoes are priced at nine dollars. 那些鞋定价为 9 美元。 While CCTV Sports broadcasts NBA games to the national audience, NBA fans in Shanghai, where Yao starred with a Chinese team before moving to the NBA, have more opportunities to watch NBA games on TV. 虽然中央电视台体育频道面向全国观众转播,但是上海作为姚明转入 NBA 之前曾出色效力 过的球队所在的城市,当地的球迷有更多的机会在电视上观看 NBA 的球赛。 “while”位于句首时,表达“尽管……”的意思,在此处引导让步状语从句。 While I strongly disagree with the court's decision, I accept it. 尽管我强烈反对法庭的决定,但我还是接受了它。 “star”在此处作为动词,意思为“表现出众,出色地做工作”。 “where Yao starred with a Chinese team before moving to the NBA”作为非限制性定语从句 修饰地点“Shanghai”。 The tower of London, where so many people lost their lives, is now a tourist attraction
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