Emulation of Hypercube Algorithms by CCC Hypercube Dimension Proc id= 3 Cycle id=X 2 2mbits bits Descend 0 01 Algorthm Steps DimJ Ascend descend and normal algorithms Cycle D Node(x, iis communicating along dimension after the X N(x),j? next rotation it will be linked Im to its dimension-(+ 1) neighbor Fig 15.15 CCC emulating a normal hypercube algorithm Fa2010 Parallel Processing, Low-Diameter Architectures Slide 33Fall 2010 Parallel Processing, Low-Diameter Architectures Slide 33 Emulation of Hypercube Algorithms by CCC Node (x, j) is communicating along dimension j; after the next rotation, it will be linked to its dimension-(j + 1) neighbor. Hypercube Dimension q? 3 2 1 0 Algorithm Steps 0 1 2 3 . . . . . . Ascend Descend Normal 2 bits m m bits Cycle ID = x Proc ID = y N (x) x, j? x, j x, j+1 j? , j? , j , j+1 Dim j? Dim j Dim j+1 , j? Cycle x , j N (x) j+1 N (x) j+1 N (x) j N (x) j Fig. 15.15 CCC emulating a normal hypercube algorithm. Ascend, descend, and normal algorithms
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