4,政论文(political essay) original:,同时必须清醒看到,在一些地方和部门的领导工作 忽视思想教育,忽视精神文明,.“一手比较硬,.二手 比较软“的问题还没有解决。在社会精神方面还存在不少 问题,有的还相当严重。二些领域道德失范,拜金主义 享乐主义 个人主义滋长; 封建迷信活动和黄赌毒等五恶 现象沉渣泛起;假冒伪劣、,欺诈活动成为社会公青:文化 事业受到消极因素的严重冲击,危害青少年身心健康的东 西屡禁不止;腐败现象在一些地方蔓延,党风、政风受到 很关贫害。 version: At the same time,we must see with a sober mind that in the work of leadership in some localities and departments,the problem of neglecting ideological education and ethical and cultural progress,and attaching importance to some things while neglecting others"has not been solved.Quite a number of problems still exist in the social,ethical and cultural life, some rather serious. 4、政论文(political essay) original:同时必须清醒看到,在一些地方和部门的领导工作 中,忽视思想教育,忽视精神文明,“一手比较硬,一手 比较软“的问题还没有解决。在社会精神方面还存在不少 问题,有的还相当严重。一些领域道德失范,拜金主义、 享乐主义、个人主义滋长;封建迷信活动和黄赌毒等丑恶 现象沉渣泛起;假冒伪劣、欺诈活动成为社会公害;文化 事业受到消极因素的严重冲击,危害青少年身心健康的东 西屡禁不止;腐败现象在一些地方蔓延,党风、政风受到 很大损害。 version: At the same time, we must see with a sober mind that in the work of leadership in some localities and departments, the problem of neglecting ideological education and ethical and cultural progress, and “attaching importance to some things while neglecting others” has not been solved. Quite a number of problems still exist in the social, ethical and cultural life, some rather serious
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