The Caribbean A few miles away at Ocho Rios airy:a.l)通风的 there is Plantation Inn.Very The large window makes the room quite airy. elegant this one -a splendid neo- 大窗户使房间很通风。 Gothic house with a colonnaded 2)无实质,空洞的 facade and a lasting impression of Nothing results from his airy plans and promises. 他空洞的计划及诺言没有带来任何结果。 good living.Rooms are airy and lovingly furnished,there is a superb furnish:V.布置,装备 terrace and not one but two private The new hotel has finished,but it's not yet beaches,Service smiles and food furnished. and drink are on a bar. 这家新旅馆己完工,但尚未布置。 They're renting a furnished house. 他们要租一间带家具的房子。 1313 The Caribbean A few miles away at Ocho Rios there is Plantation Inn. Very elegant this one – a splendid neo￾Gothic house with a colonnaded facade and a lasting impression of good living. Rooms are airy and lovingly furnished, there is a superb terrace and not one but two private beaches, Service smiles and food and drink are on a bar. airy: a. 1) 通风的 The large window makesthe room quite airy. 大窗户使房间很通风。 2) 无实质,空洞的 Nothing resultsfrom his airy plans and promises. 他空洞的计划及诺言没有带来任何结果。 furnish: v. 布置,装备 The new hotel hasfinished, but it’s not yet furnished. 这家新旅馆已完工,但尚未布置。 They’re renting a furnished house. 他们要租一间带家具的房子
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