The larvae of Lepidoptera are usually eruciform, each of the thoracic segments bears a pair of legs,and abdominal segments 3-6 and 10 usually bear a pair of prolegs. Larvae have chewing mouthparts ■ 四句顺口溜来记忆: ■虹吸口器鳞翅目, ■四翅膜质鳞片覆; ■蝶舞花间蛾扑火, ■幼虫多足害植物。 ◼ The larvae of Lepidoptera are usually eruciform, each of the thoracic segments bears a pair of legs, and abdominal segments 3-6 and 10 usually bear a pair of prolegs. ◼ Larvae have chewing mouthparts ◼ 四句顺口溜来记忆: ◼ 虹吸口器鳞翅目, ◼ 四翅膜质鳞片覆; ◼ 蝶舞花间蛾扑火, ◼ 幼虫多足害植物