制卧爱分贸易土学 营销学原理 ethnic marketing approach. L.Issues for Discussion:讨论题 1.If we want to find out whether the electric bicycle has a potential demand in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou,what secondary and primary data do we need? And how to get it? 2.If you are commissioned by Group to survey awareness of and preference to the brand names of its washing machine,“容声”and“科龙”in China,how would you define the (sample)population?In what way would you draw the sample? III.Case Analysis:案例分析 "Enterprise Rent-a-car:Measuring Service Quality",Principles of Marketing 9th ed. Session6 Measuring and Forecasting Market Demand第六讲 Text:Chapter 4,Appendix 1 L.Marketing Applications:应用题 1.Look at your school's schedule of classes for the coming semester.Examine the course offerings in your major area and try to predict which courses will have low,medium,and high demand.What factors do you think affect demand for courses?If a new course were offered,what information would you want to know in order to predict the level of demand for it? 2.假设江苏省的个人可支配收入(yi)占全国的0.4239号;该省的零售额(x1)占全国 的0.5167号;该省的人口(pi)是全国人口的0.5618号。这三类数据的权重分别为0.5, 0.2,0.3。假设每年全国羊毛衫销售潜量是1200亿元,去年雪莲牌羊毛衫在江苏省的总 销售额是3260万元,占全国市场的份额约为3号。请计算江苏省地区购买力指数,并回答雪 莲牌羊毛衫在江苏省所占的市场份额是否高于其全国市场份额。 II.Case Analysis:案例分析 "Genentech:Forecasting Euphoria",Principles of Marketing 6th ed.pp. Session7 Strategic Planning and Marketing Process第七讲 Text:Chapter 2 L.Marketing Applications:应用题 For more than a decade,such notable companies as Nike,Reebok,Adidas,New Balance,Puma,and Converse have been fighting a no-holds-barred battle in what has come to be known as the Sneaker Wars.Visit these firms at their respective Web sites at www.nike.com,www.reebok.com, www.adidas.com,www.newbalance.com,www.puma.com,and www.converseshoes.com.As a future marketing strategist,answer the following questions": a.Which firm is the market leader?Which are market challengers,market followers,and market nicher? Explain. b.Critique the various Web sites.Do the sites match your assessments of industry positions?Why or why not? c.Assume the position of one of the marketing challengers.Design a strategy for overtaking the market leader.Be specific in your suggestions. d Assume the position of a market nicher and design a strategy for expanding your business without drawing attacks from your strong rivals. 第4页共12页营销学原理 ethnic marketing approach. II. Issues for Discussion: 讨论题 1. If we want to find out whether the electric bicycle has a potential demand in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, what secondary and primary data do we need? And how to get it? 2. If you are commissioned by 科龙 Group to survey awareness of and preference to the brand names of its washing machine, “容声” and “科龙” in China, how would you define the (sample) population? In what way would you draw the sample? III. Case Analysis: 案例分析 “Enterprise Rent-a-car: Measuring Service Quality”,Principles of Marketing 9th ed. Session 6 Measuring and Forecasting Market Demand 第六讲 Text: Chapter 4, Appendix 1 I. Marketing Applications: 应用题 1. Look at your school’s schedule of classes for the coming semester. Examine the course offerings in your major area and try to predict which courses will have low, medium, and high demand. What factors do you think affect demand for courses? If a new course were offered, what information would you want to know in order to predict the level of demand for it? 2. 假设江苏省的个人可支配收入 ( yi )占全国的0.4239%; 该省的零售额 ( ri )占全国 的0.5167%; 该省的人口( pi )是全国人口的0.5618%。这三类数据的权重分别为0.5, 0.2, 0.3。假设每年全国羊毛衫销售潜量是1200亿元,去年雪莲牌羊毛衫在江苏省的总 销售额是3260万元,占全国市场的份额约为3%。请计算江苏省地区购买力指数,并回答雪 莲牌羊毛衫在江苏省所占的市场份额是否高于其全国市场份额。 II. Case Analysis: 案例分析 “Genentech: Forecasting Euphoria”,Principles of Marketing 6th ed. pp. Session 7 Strategic Planning and Marketing Process 第七讲 Text: Chapter 2 I. Marketing Applications: 应用题 For more than a decade, such notable companies as Nike, Reebok, Adidas, New Balance, Puma, and Converse have been fighting a no—holds—barred battle in what has come to be known as the Sneaker Wars . Visit these firms at their respective Web sites at www.nike.com, www.reebok.com, www.adidas.com, www.newbalance.com, www.puma.com ,and www.converseshoes.com. As a future marketing strategist, answer the following questions”: a. Which firm is the market leader? Which are market challengers, market followers, and market nicher? Explain. b. Critique the various Web sites. Do the sites match your assessments of industry positions? Why or why not? c. Assume the position of one of the marketing challengers. Design a strategy for overtaking the market leader. Be specific in your suggestions. d. Assume the position of a market nicher and design a strategy for expanding your business without drawing attacks from your strong rivals. 第4页 共12页
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