GRIN thermometer bulb 273.16K 37400 Water 373.8 Fig. 18-4 A triple-point cell. in 373.6O which solid ice. liquid water and water vapor coexist in thermal equi- 373.40 the temperature of this mixture has librium. By international agreemen 373.2O been defined to be 273.16 K. The 373.00 bulb of a constant-volume gas ther- O2004006O08001000 mometer is shown inserted into the Ptp(torr) well of the cell FIGURE 17-15 Temperature readings of a constant-volume gas thermometer for the boiling point of water at l oo atm are plotted. for different gases, as a function of the gas pressure In e thermometer at the triple point ). Note that ceats-hillect the amount of the thermomete educed. so that →O,a1 s give the same reading.373 373.15K Fig. 18-5A constant-volume gas thermometer. its bulb immersed in a liquid whose temperature is to be measured273.16 K 373.15 K
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