CEX! Boundary conditions Select the Boundary Conditions radio button Action ject: Fuid Boundar Create a boundary condition called in Method Set the Tyr pe to Inlet Existing Fluid Boundaries Specify values Normal Speed in 10.0 ft/s(change the units by clicking the small icon next to the units field Use the default turbulence values Select the lowy face of the duct Name aBoundary Condition Values 网回区 Type Flow Regime Select Units 回区|sc Refer Coordinate Frame Choose a Unit f Mass and Momentum Norma Speed Values a Speed in m hr-1 mile hr -1 List Editor Auto Execute Defaut Immensity and Autocompue Length scale Cancel 2-19 CFX5.5V5.5.1H Cose Expression Ednor C 2001AEA TechnologyCFX 5.5 V5.5.1H © 2001AEA Technology 2-19 Boundary Conditions Select the Boundary Conditions radio button Create a boundary condition called in - Set the Type to Inlet - Specify Values - Normal Speed in 10.0 ft/s (change the units by clicking the small icon next to the units field) - Use the default turbulence values - Select the low y face of the duct
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