Chapter 1:Computer Networks and the Internet Our goal: Overview: 口get"feel"and ▣what's the Internet terminology 口what's a protocol3? 口more depth,detail ▣network edge later in course ▣network core 口approach: access net,physical media *use Internet as Internet/ISP structure example performance:loss,delay protocol layers,service models 口network modeling Introduction 1-2Introduction 1-2 Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet Our goal: ❑ get “feel” and terminology ❑ more depth, detail later in course ❑ approach: ❖ use Internet as example Overview: ❑ what’s the Internet ❑ what’s a protocol? ❑ network edge ❑ network core ❑ access net, physical media ❑ Internet/ISP structure ❑ performance: loss, delay ❑ protocol layers, service models ❑ network modeling
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