電子工業出版社 JEUISHING HOUSE DF ELECTRONCS INDSTR <body bgcolor"#COCOC0"> < font faces="华文行楷”sie="6">分页显示</on><h1> If Not rsUsers Eof Then 共有<%= totalofRecords%位用户,<%= rsUsers. PageS ize%条记录顶,目前是 table border"I"cellpadding="8" cellspacing=0" width=342> < th width="70">姓名<t> < th width="121">电话<h> < th widt="143">电子邮箱<h> Do While Not rsUsers Eof And how Many Records<rsUsers PageSize <td width=70"><%=rsUsers("username)%></td> <td width="><=rsUsers("phone")%></td> <td width"143"><%=rsUsers("email")%></td> rsUsers MoveNext owMany Records=howMany Records+1 L Set rsUsers=Nothing </table> <table> Dim pad, scriptName, counter, ref</head> <body bgcolor="#C0C0C0"> <p> <font face="华文行楷" size="6">分页显示</font></h1> </p> <% If Not rsUsers.Eof Then %> <p> 共有<% =totalOfRecords %>位用户,<% =rsUsers.PageSize %>条记录/页,目前是第 <% =whichPage %>页 </p> <table border="1" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" width="342"> <tr> <th width="70" >姓名</th> <th width="121" >电话</th> <th width="143" >电子邮箱</th> </tr> <% Do While Not rsUsers.Eof And howManyRecords<rsUsers.PageSize %> <tr> <td width="70"><% =rsUsers("username") %></td> <td width="121"><% =rsUsers("phone") %></td> <td width="143"><% =rsUsers("email") %></td> <% rsUsers.MoveNext howManyRecords=howManyRecords+1 Loop rsUsers.Close Set rsUsers=Nothing %> </table> <table> <tr> <td> <% Dim pad,scriptName,counter,ref