Clothing (units per 6P。+2X4=4Pc+12x1 month) P=2 6 D Price-Consumption Curve 5 Food 12 20 (units per month) a $2.0 1.0 G Demand Curve 0.5 (b) Food 12 20 Effect of Price Changes (units per month) Clothing (units per month) Food (units per month) 5 Effect of Price Changes Food (units per month) 12 20 6 4 4 12 20 (a) (b) 0.5 1.0 $2.0 Demand Curve Price-Consumption Curve U2 U3 U1 A B D E G H 6Pc + 2ⅹ4= 4Pc + 12ⅹ1 Pc= 2
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