Lecture 2 Contradictions in Sustainable Development Introduction( Growth versus Development) Ina -an ambiguous term, composing of words that are contradictory to each other ● Sustainable call for ecological and social transformation, a world of healthy environments and social justice The planet earth: finite, one size not growing no such thing as "sustainable growth"because growth will inevitably hit physical limit Differentiating“ Development”&“ Growth” ● Growth” -Implies increasing endlessly in size and quantity which is impossible Development The realization of a fuller and greater potential involving qualitative change and transition to a fuller or better state .Thus Growth"is after quantity while "Development"is after quality,i.e -having grown to the maximum, it is time that humanity began to concentrate on developing its full potential. This is equivalent to the analogy that we grow early in life when we reach adult maturity we develop mentally, socially culturally, instead of continually to grow physically However Development Constrains . Our development cannot reach its full potential because of discriminations in gender, race, class, religion, or If we can take the full advantage of the potential of co-development activities from all these different parts of the humanity, we may not feel so pressured to "keep growing"our economies(e.g. shifting cultivation What is Development finally? ●“ Human development is not about having more, but about being more” -Genuine development assures a dignified level of existence, including the basic needs of food, clean water air shelter, cloth, friendship, diversity of tastes, beliefs, preferences..etc. Through the actions of Sustainable Development, we can construct a better world healthier, happier less unequal Contradictions in Sd . According to Redclift (1987) Sustainable Development is a concept which draws on two frequently opposed intellectual traditions: one concerned with the limits which nature presents to human beings, the other with the potential for human materia levelopment which is locked up in nature. Embedded within this broad contradictions are the following specific contradict (1)Democracy versus purposeful action (A)The limits of sustainability have structural as well as natural origins Structural” here means overriding structures of the international economic sy stem which arose out of the exploitation of environmental resources, and which frequently operate as constraints on the achievement of long-term sustainable practices(e.g. globalization)1 Lecture 2 Contradictions in Sustainable Development Introduction(Growth versus Development) •Sustainable Development (SD) –an ambiguous term, composing of words that are contradictory to each other •“Sustainable” –call for ecological and social transformation, a world of healthy environments and social justice • “Development” –Economic Growth •The planet Earth: finite, one size & not growing no such thing as “sustainable growth” because growth will inevitably hit physical limit Differentiating “Development” & “Growth” •“Growth” –Implies increasing endlessly in size and quantity which is impossible •“Development” –The realization of a fuller and greater potential involving qualitative change and transition to a fuller or better state •Thus “Growth” is after quantity while “Development” is after quality, i.e. –having grown to the maximum, it is time that humanity began to concentrate on developing its full potential. This is equivalent to the analogy that we grow early in life & when we reach adult maturity we develop mentally, socially & culturally, instead of continually to grow physically However... Development Constrains •Our development cannot reach its full potential because of discriminations in gender, race, class, religion, or ideology •If we can take the full advantage of the potential of co-development activities from all these different parts of the humanity, we may not feel so pressured to “keep growing” our economies (e.g. shifting cultivation) What is Development finally? •“Human development is not about having more, but about being more” –Genuine development assures a dignified level of existence, including the basic needs of food, clean water & air, shelter, cloth, friendship, diversity of tastes, beliefs, preferences …etc. Through the actions of Sustainable Development, we can construct a better world healthier, happier & less unequal Contradictions in SD •According to Redclift (1987) –“Sustainable Development is a concept which draws on two frequently opposed intellectual traditions: one concerned with the limits which nature presents to human beings, the other with the potential for human material development which is locked up in nature. Embedded within this broad contradictions are the following specific contradictions...” (1) Democracy versus purposeful action (A) The limits of sustainability have structural as well as natural origins –“Structural” here means overriding structures of the international economic system which arose out of the exploitation of environmental resources, and which frequently operate as constraints on the achievement of long-term sustainable practices (e.g. globalization)