Problem formulation o Approximate Entity Extraction: Given a dictionary of entities E=ley e,,.,en, a document D, and a predefined edit distance threshold t, approximate entity extraction finds all"similar"pairs <S, e> such that ED(S, ej s t, where s is a substring of d and eie e (a) dictionary E (b) Document D ID Entities Len Document vancouver an efficient filter for approximates 2 vanateshe membership ChecKing kaushit 3 Ksurajit chaudrD tetretratttrti, >surajit chaudhuri, 4 caushit chaudui 15 vankatesh ganti dong rIn. 5 caushit chakra 15 vancouver, canada. sigmod 2008 1/28/2021 Taste@ ICDE2012Problem Formulation 1/28/2021 Taste @ ICDE2012  Approximate Entity Extraction: Given a dictionary of entities E = {e1 , e2 , . . . , en }, a document D, and a predefined edit distance threshold τ, approximate entity extraction finds all “similar” pairs <s, ei> such that ED(s, ei) ≤ τ, where s is a substring of D and ei∈ E. 8/42
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