Lesson 12-The Kindness of Strangers II. Quiz 1 unable to move from the place entertain where you are Match the items in the a thing such as a car or bus etc two columns used for carrying people or folk thi to find sth. again after it has been stranded lost a short statement used as a guide vehicle f b of behaviour people renew to invite people to one's home for motto a mea W L E The end of Quiz 1.W B T L E Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers II. Quiz 1 unable to move from the place where you are entertain a thing such as a car or bus etc. used for carrying people or things folk to find sth. again after it has been lost stranded a short statement used as a guide of behaviour vehicle people renew to invite people to one’s home for a meal motto Match the items in the two columns. The end of Quiz 1