R Venkatesh/ Ceramics International 28(2002)565-573 to fiber roughness was about 20 times larger than the clamping due to fiber roughness at the fiber/ SnO, inter- tensile thermal radial strain, AaAT. In Saphikon /SnO2/ face in ASG composites glass matrix composites, the roughness induced com The bending strength of AG and ASG matrix com pressive strain was only three times larger than the ten- posites as a function of volume fraction of fibers is sile thermal strain. This indicates the strong mechanical shown in Table 7. volume fraction of S and SSg 50um Energy Fig 8.(a) Fracture surface of saphikon/SnO/glass composites;(b) EDS analysis in region marked(A)showing only Al and no Sn.to fiber roughness was about 20 times larger than the tensile thermal radial strain, T. In Saphikon/SnO2/ glass matrix composites, the roughness induced com￾pressive strain was only three times larger than the ten￾sile thermal strain. This indicates the strong mechanical clamping due to fiber roughness at the fiber/SnO2 inter￾face in ASG composites. The bending strength of AG and ASG matrix com￾posites as a function of volume fraction of fibers is shown in Table 7. Volume fraction of SG and SSG Fig. 8. (a) Fracture surface of saphikon/SnO2/glass composites; (b) EDS analysis in region marked (A) showing only Al and no Sn. R. Venkatesh / Ceramics International 28 (2002) 565–573 571
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