广东费飘职业故本学院 Guangdong Inatitute of Textile Technology Carbon fiber manufacturing processes PaiN (pOlyaryiontrile)based carbon fibers 口 Pan fibers Stabilization at 200-300C in O2u depolymerization aromatization converting thermoplastic Pan to a nonplastic cyclic or ladder compound Carbonization at 1000-1500 c in an inert atmosphere to get rid of noncarbon elements Stretch and graphitization at >1800 C formation of turbostratic structureCarbon fiber manufacturing processes ◼ PAN (polyarylonitrile) based carbon fibers  PAN fibers Stabilization at 200-300°C in O2 , depolymerization & aromatization, converting thermoplastic PAN to a nonplastic cyclic or ladder compound Carbonization at 1000-1500°C in an inert atmosphere to get rid of noncarbon elements Stretch and graphitization at >1800°C, formation of turbostratic structure
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