,1126 北京科技大学学报 第29卷 62 从图9可以看出,涂层经600,610,615,620, 58 630℃热处理后测得的结晶度和非晶理论预测的结 54 果基本相符,并且两者之间平均误差为5%左右 14 50 12 46 名 ◆ 38 600 605 610 615 620 T/℃ 图7不同温度下非晶涂层的转变体积分数曲线 Fig.7 Transformation percent of the amorphous coatings at differ- 600605610615620625630 ent temperature T/℃ 理:部分晶化非晶合金的晶化即为残留非晶相的转 图9涂层非晶转变分数(X)与热处理后结晶度(Fc)的比较 变,其相变热应正比于残留非晶相的相含量,所以 Fig-9 Comparison of the fraction of amorphous transformation 随着热处理温度升高,涂层中非晶含量减少·根据 amorphous alloy coatings with the crystallinity of annealed coatings 图8和式(4)计算出涂层不同热处理温度下的结晶 度具体数值,如表1. 3结论 (I)利用新型的AC HVAF喷涂出了高非晶含 B 量的Fe基非晶合金涂层 C (2)采用DSC法测出的部分晶化非晶合金复 D 合涂层退火样结晶度的大小和非晶复合涂层的理论 E 预测基本相符,是一种可行的测量方法· F 参考文献 200400 600 8001000 T℃ [1]Dorfman M R.Thermal spray basics.Adv Mater Processes. 2002,160(7):47 图8不同温度热处理涂层的升温DSC曲线 [2]Kreye H A.Comparison of HVOF systems behavior of materials Fig.8 DSC curves of the coatings annealed at different tempera- and coating properties//Proceedings of the 4th HVOF Colloqui- tures um.Erdin,1997,11:13 表1涂层不同热处理温度下的结晶度 [3]Legoux J G.Arsenault B.Moreau C,et al.Evaluation of four Table 1 Crystallinity of the coatings heat-treated at different temper high velocity thermal spray guns using WC1OCo4Cr cermets/ Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference.Mon atures treal,2000,479 DSC曲线 放热峰面 试样质 晶化 剩余非 [4]Hanson T C.Hackett C M.Settles G S.Independent control of 编号 积/mm2 量/mg 度/% 晶/% HVOF particle velocity and temperature.J Therm Spray Tech- A 25.42722 7.30 0 100 nol,2002,11(1):75 [5]Gilmore D L.Dykhuizen R C.Neiser R A.et al.Particle veloci- B 17.80363 7.30 38.135 61.865 ty and deposition efficiency in the cold spray process.J Therm ? 15.57773 7.30 53.221 46.779 Spray Technol.1999.4(8):576 D 14.91891 7.30 58.673 41.237 [6]Stoltenhoff T.Voyer J.Kreye H.Cold spraying state oft heart E 13.53262 7.30 61.264 38.736 and applicability//Proceeding of the International Thermal Spray 9.69667 7.30 70.018 29.982 Conference.Essen.2002:366 [7]Papyrin A N.Kosarev N F.Klinkov S V,et al.On the interac- 图7和表1结果表明,随着热处理温度升高,常 tion of high speed particles with a substrate under the cold spray 温Fe基非晶涂层中非晶相向晶态相的转变分数Fc ing//Proceeding of the International Thermal Spray Conference. Essen,2002:380 与热处理后涂层的结晶度Xc均有增大的变化 [8]Verstak A.Baranovski V.Activated combustion HVAF coatings 趋势 for protection against wear and high temperature corrosion//Pro-图7 不同温度下非晶涂层的转变体积分数曲线 Fig.7 Transformation percent of the amorphous coatings at differ￾ent temperature 理:部分晶化非晶合金的晶化即为残留非晶相的转 变‚其相变热应正比于残留非晶相的相含量.所以 随着热处理温度升高‚涂层中非晶含量减少.根据 图8和式(4)计算出涂层不同热处理温度下的结晶 度具体数值‚如表1. 图8 不同温度热处理涂层的升温 DSC 曲线 Fig.8 DSC curves of the coatings annealed at different tempera￾tures 表1 涂层不同热处理温度下的结晶度 Table1 Crystallinity of the coatings heat-treated at different temper￾atures DSC 曲线 编号 放热峰面 积/mm 2 试样质 量/mg 晶化 度/% 剩余非 晶/% A 25∙42722 7∙30 0 100 B 17∙80363 7∙30 38∙135 61∙865 C 15∙57773 7∙30 53∙221 46∙779 D 14∙91891 7∙30 58∙673 41∙237 E 13∙53262 7∙30 61∙264 38∙736 F 9∙69667 7∙30 70∙018 29∙982 图7和表1结果表明‚随着热处理温度升高‚常 温 Fe 基非晶涂层中非晶相向晶态相的转变分数 FC 与热处理后涂层的结晶度 XC 均有增大的变化 趋势. 从图9可以看出‚涂层经600‚610‚615‚620‚ 630℃热处理后测得的结晶度和非晶理论预测的结 果基本相符‚并且两者之间平均误差为5%左右. 图9 涂层非晶转变分数(XC)与热处理后结晶度(FC)的比较 Fig.9 Comparison of the fraction of amorphous transformation amorphous alloy coatings with the crystallinity of annealed coatings 3 结论 (1) 利用新型的 AC-HVAF 喷涂出了高非晶含 量的 Fe 基非晶合金涂层. (2) 采用 DSC 法测出的部分晶化非晶合金复 合涂层退火样结晶度的大小和非晶复合涂层的理论 预测基本相符‚是一种可行的测量方法. 参 考 文 献 [1] Dorfman M R.Thermal spray basics.Adv Mater Processes‚ 2002‚160(7):47 [2] Kreye H A.Comparison of HVOF systems behavior of materials and coating properties∥Proceedings of the 4th HVOF Colloqui￾um.Erdin‚1997‚11:13 [3] Legoux J G‚Arsenault B‚Moreau C‚et al.Evaluation of four high velocity thermal spray guns using WC10Co4Cr cermets ∥ Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference.Mon￾treal‚2000:479 [4] Hanson T C‚Hackett C M‚Settles G S.Independent control of HVOF particle velocity and temperature.J Therm Spray Tech￾nol‚2002‚11(1):75 [5] Gilmore D L‚Dykhuizen R C‚Neiser R A‚et al.Particle veloci￾ty and deposition efficiency in the cold spray process.J Therm Spray Technol‚1999‚4(8):576 [6] Stoltenhoff T‚Voyer J‚Kreye H.Cold spraying state oft heart and applicability∥Proceeding of the International Thermal Spray Conference.Essen‚2002:366 [7] Papyrin A N‚Kosarev N F‚Klinkov S V‚et al.On the interac￾tion of high speed particles with a substrate under the cold spray￾ing∥Proceeding of the International Thermal Spray Conference. Essen‚2002:380 [8] Verstak A‚Baranovski V.Activated combustion HVAF coatings for protection against wear and high temperature corrosion∥Pro- ·1126· 北 京 科 技 大 学 学 报 第29卷
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