CHAPTER OUTLINE 5. 1 Opening Vignette: Machine versus Men on Jeopardy/ The Story of Watson 5.2 Text Analytics and Text Mining Overview 5.3 Natural Language Processing (NLP) 5.4 Text Mining Applications 5.5 Text Mining Process 5.6 Sentiment analysis 5.7 Web Mining Overview 5. 8 Search E 5.9 Web Usage Mining(Web Analytics) 5.10 Social Analytics ANSWERS TO END OF SECTION REVIEW QUESTIONS°··· Section 5. 1 Review Questions 1. What is Watson? What is special about it? Watson is a question answering(Qa)computer system developed by an IBM Research team and named after IBMs first president as part of a project called DeepQA. What makes it special is that it is able to compete at the human was able to defeat Ken Jennings, who held the record for the longest winn F champion level in real time on the tv quiz show, Jeopardy/; in fact, in 2011 streak in the game. Like Deep Blue has done with chess, Watson is showing that computer systems are getting quite good at demonstrating human-like intelligence What technologies were used in build ing Watson(both hardware and software)? Watson is built on the DeepQA framework. The hardware for this system involves a massively parallel processing architecture. In terms of software, Watson uses a variety of Al-related QA technologies, including text mining, natural language processing, question classification and decomposition, automatic source acquisition and evaluation, entity and relation detection, logical form generation, and knowled ge representation and reasoning Copyright C2018 Pearson Education, Inc.2 Copyright © 2018Pearson Education, Inc. CHAPTER OUTLINE 5.1 Opening Vignette: Machine versus Men on Jeopardy!: The Story of Watson 5.2 Text Analytics and Text Mining Overview 5.3 Natural Language Processing (NLP) 5.4 Text Mining Applications 5.5 Text Mining Process 5.6 Sentiment Analysis 5.7 Web Mining Overview 5.8 Search Engines 5.9 Web Usage Mining (Web Analytics) 5.10 Social Analytics ANSWERS TO END OF SECTION REVIEW QUESTIONS      Section 5.1 Review Questions 1. What is Watson? What is special about it? Watson is a question answering (QA) computer system developed by an IBM Research team and named after IBM’s first president as part of a project called DeepQA. What makes it special is that it is able to compete at the human champion level in real time on the TV quiz show, Jeopardy!; in fact, in 2011, it was able to defeat Ken Jennings, who held the record for the longest winning streak in the game. Like Deep Blue has done with chess, Watson is showing that computer systems are getting quite good at demonstrating human-like intelligence. 2. What technologies were used in building Watson (both hardware and software)? Watson is built on the DeepQA framework. The hardware for this system involves a massively parallel processing architecture. In terms of software, Watson uses a variety of AI-related QA technologies, including text mining, natural language processing, question classification and decomposition, automatic source acquisition and evaluation, entity and relation detection, logical form generation, and knowledge representation and reasoning
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